♡ to ♡ Post : Acid Black Cherry CD&DL でーた Interview #3…. (Another me, yasu and The Fanboy)


Okay everyone,

this post tonight started with a question from me ….


yasu    :    let me guess, what will happen to your Capt. …?….
noi      :    no, no no, say nothing …
yasu    :    or when will he is gonna talk to you again
noi      :    eee who  .. ????
yasu    :   that fanboy  ..
noi      :    well, actually the question is ……

Have you ever pray like you never pray before …???

I did that these week  …

All this time, i never pray as hard i how i prayed for myself yesterday.  I am somebody who always feel i am a very lucky person because my mother’s pray for me heard and will be heard by God for how devoted is she.

But one day, my mother said something that really scared me to hell. She said …

Boo, why did you never pray as hard as you did long time ago …?

I didn’t annswer her because i know that’s one of her Drama Queen question that i don’t have to answer. Then she followed with this …

I always pray for you Boo, you know that.

Start from the morning you go to work i always pray until you back home save at the evening. This time i am still alive, but if i die who is gonna pray hard for you if you don’t do it for yourself  …?

and who is gonna pray for me and your father  …?

then she started to cry …

Damn, i really hate when my mother start to cry. See i love my mother more than anything and sometimes this love that i feel to her kinda drives me crazy. I love her so much and i would do anything to make her proud and stop worrying about me.

At least once, i really want to see her proud of me face and smile that i often see whenever she look at my sister or talk about my sister to anybody.

i just want her to say …

look that’s my daughter Boo, she …. bla bla bla …

but too bad, she never say it and show that face and smile to me. I guess for her, i am still the same Boo that keeps her worry and praying hard so everything will be fine for me.

i hate that look in her eyes worrying about me, keep askin am i okay, not sleepy to drive, haven’t i forget my phone and wallet … etc etc and so many questions following to make sure i am ready to go to work like i am just a 5th grader.

that day, she asked me to pray hard again.

Pray hard in here,

not only a regular 5 times a day but also together with Monday and Thursday fasting, midnight prayers, don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t go anywhere for fun … and so many things followed that we as a Javanese call it as tirakat.

Tirakat is when you ask something to your God and do anything to knockin on your God‘s door and suppose that tirakat is gonna make the knocks i made louder.

I did that when i was in the middle of test to get my job after 1 year stayed at home to babysit my nephew. It was very hard, i even sleep on the floor behind our front door every night with so many prays that i read before and after sleep.

And then, last week something really bad happened to me.

It was very bad and scared me until i couldn’t tell anyone about this.  yeah, it’s worst than my previous bleeding. I thought, this is it i am going to die.  It made me less concentrate to work and made so many mistakes at office.

When i see those many X in red they put on my reports when they audit me, i became more hopeless.

Then what happen is, when i had no one to turned to ask for i turned to my God and start to do that tirakat again. Then as always this what Bimbo say is true again.

Bimbo (a 50’s Indonesian band) in their song sayin

Aku jauh, Engkau jauh
Aku dekat, Engkau dekat

I am far, then You (God) far,
I am close, then You (God) close

That day, i started to make myself close again to my God and my God came close to me. That nightmares and pain finally over , i guess i am fine and God gave me another chance  for me.

i suppose my mother the one and only person that will always say i am beautiful beside James Blunt ….



this time she is right again .

I still need to work harder, and along with how hard i am working i also have to pray harder. Because if i don’t pray for myself then who else but my mother will pray for me … ?

I have no idea what happen to me now, but all i know i feel save now.

Ok, ehough with the miserable rambling, now i better continue my previous post since instead put ~owari~ like how i ended all my posts i put ~to be continued~

so next is this ….

~   Magazine Update …

1.   MEN’S KNUCKLE Magazine …


Actually the Acid Black Cherry  interview on this magazine is quite interesting. If i am not mistaken, they talked about why men also love Acid Black Cherry. See how Acid Black Cherry (read : yasu) from a men’s point of view.

All this time, i don’t talk a lot about yasu with male fans/fanboys.


yasu    :    then what about that fanboy …
noi       :    what fanboy, who …?
yasu    :    you know i am talking about who ..
noi       :    i don’t know …
yasu    :    yes, you know
noi       :    no, i do not know and stop talking that you know i know who you are talking about …. *dizzy*
yasu    :    まさか noi_ちゃん、he really dumped you ne …. *laugh*
noi       :    please stop and lemme finish this  …

Even yeah, i do have some ABC fanboys as friend in Facebook but i don’t talk a lot with them. Mostly i only talk with the fangirls.

So sometimes, i really want to know how they (read : the fanboys) think, admire and worship yasu.

And by how  …

# did they wrote a blog like me, or
# they buy stuffs (cloth and accesories) like yasu,
# then they dressed and act like him? or …
# do drum or bass cover together withy their band …

talking about that, it reminds me about one ABC fanboy that i follow on twitter. That fanboy use to surprised me everytime he posted his photo on twitter.  So whenever i see his photo,

i was like …

~  Eeeh God, is this yasu from a new magazine or pamphlet?
~  ああ〜〜〜 why the hell i dunno about this  … etc etc, bla bla bla

Because he really look like yasu and then when i found out that’s him (read : that fanboy i follow on twitter) not yasu, what can i say but …

Oh God what a fool me, that’s not yasu …. !!!

But as time goes by, now i get use to see him ast and look like yasu. He doesn’t surprise me anymore, in fact i am getting bored with it, so i am thinkin about to un-follow him eh …


yasu       :     why ….?
noi          :      i am bored eh …
yasu      :      how can you be bored, you don’t use twitter a lot …
noi          :     and i also never talk to him anyway …
yasu       :     maybe you should try to talk with him
noi          :     heee ….

Back to MEN’s NUCKLE magazine,

I didn’t but this magazine, not because  somebody said to me this is a host magazine but this magazine remind me to MEN’s SPIDER magazine with yasu as the cover that i bought a long time ago.


Yes, the pages with yasu are great but i just not that keen with the rest of the contain. I mean there’s so many pages of men’s underwear catalogue complete with a model of topless men lyin on the floor like that.

I have no idea where the hell is that magazine now, because all i remember how i was tryin so hard to hide it so no one will find it. I can’t even imagine what if my father or the drama queen mother found it.

Geez, they gonna kill me …

But thanks God, i still can see yasu from their site …



ya_さん、かっこいい ね 。。。 !!!!

source   :   http://mensknucklehost.jp/news_page/863.html

and from that magazine, we also found out if in this year 2014 once again yasu do a collaboration with 109 MEN’s. And they call it as …

2.  Acid Black Cherry x 109MEN’s Collaboration.



where they will put a BIG banner of yasu in front of 109 buildings and stores inside like that. This is his 2nd collaboration after 2 years ago on 2012 before releasing his 3rd Album 2012.


that’s 2 years ago Acid Black Cherry x 109 MEN’s collaboration banner. See that scarf, that is so Pistol eh, and here’s this year Acid Black Cherry x 109 MEN’s

from  109MEN’s site



From 2012 to 2014

yasu,  seems like he doesn’t change a lot ne. Even yeah, he changes in some ways as how people are changing more mature look i say. But he is still have that radiant on him. I suppose all that kind of stretching he loves to do really works eh …

next is this …

4.      CD&DL でーた 2014年10月号 Interview #3


Focus 3 「どんな感じ」


How is yasu‘s Feeling Recently …?

This is a regular corner in this magazine, some revival. Choose one kanji letter, then together with yasu play with it.

Annnd the kanji choosen was this letter …

手  「hand」


~     握手会  「Handshake Meeting 」

On the previous Project 「Shangri – La 」 47 prefectures sequence tour, you did a lot of  High Five with so many people right …

Yes, i was so glad able to see fan’s happy face. I am grateful, but i also moved. Is this handshake really make me happy? i wanna cry. Ah no, no what the hell i am, wanna cry ..?

If only i could keep doing handshake like that.

Giving a handshake to fans, i really happy and i’d love to do it again, anytime …!!. I really received so many happiness from fans. Thank you so much.

Hand, is really a flirty part of us isn’t it  …

Women, many of them apparently love hands. But i think beside hands, cheeks also the same.

I supposed it is not a handshake then

Ha ha ha right (laugh). Then this part also the same … (laugh).

This …

~    手帳  「Notebook」

I don’t bring notebook (direct answering)

Then  what about your schedule …?

Tamura (laugh)   <—  his manager’s name

~    手をつなぐ  「Holding hands」

Holding hands, is a bit embarrasing isn’t it …?  But if, for example going to a Cabaret Club, i wonder is there anybody want to hold my hand or not ….?

yasu_san, that’s not what i mean  ….

Sorry ….  (laugh)


noi       :    me, me, me, i will hold your hand …. *raising both hands*
yasu    :    hey noi_chan, don’t answer …
noi       :    but you’re askin ..
yasu    :    i wonder eh, not askin. Be focus OK  … !!!

But for women, holding hands is more imprtant than for men. And women who holding hands look more natural than men.

maybe because there’s some different principles, when walking together then suddenly he/she give you her hand then your heart pounding.

From men’s side, that’s not something that really matter. It’s just …

eee, you want me to hold your hand …? 

But for women it is something more special. Again and again maybe, this is become an eternal theory for male and female.

For women who is not get use to holding hands, it must make her heart punding by the man who is holding her hand. But can we say is as a success?

No, but then when he/she already start to think  I really want to hold his/her hand nah, that’s  something that we can call as a love victory.

~   手もみ  「Hand Massage 」

This is actually about boobs right …?  (laugh) If i already hold it,  i am not gonna let it go

Do you prefer the lead to the top …

Ha ha ha … so this is about boobs shape …? Of course men love that, and a man who love the other way (down) would have questioned why.

~   山手線 「Yamanote Line」

Yamanote Line ….

yeah, i’ve pass through it about 1.2 years after debut. I never be on train by my own, except in other area than Tokyo.

I am only using train in Osaka or my hometown …


was there somebody recognize you …?

No. People didn’t recognize me, so everything is like ususal.  Recently i went to Monster Bomber 10th Anniversary with DAIGO and Kyan Yutaka (from Golden Bomber), but …


Isn’t this is the time for you to make music …? Do  work …

yes, but it is fine.

OK, i will continue my story. So that time, because DAIGO is so striking then finally everyone were lookin at him (laugh).

So, there’s also something not fun to be a person who often appeare on telly.



same as you, yasu.

Often seen in magazine and never recoqnized by people directly. So when people first see you on Ongaku to Higetachi festival 2014  Rock’n Roll STADIUM they just so excited posting on their twitter and other social media this is my first time to see yasu live on stage, and he is so cool ….!!!

Where’s the part of me is cool  …???


noi        :     Aaallll …. !!!!
yasu     :      stop answering noi_chan, it almost finish …
noi       :      ups sorry, that’s a reflect btw …

Previously, it was like Is he cool only because of the look …? 

no, because if i have to compare yasu that i often see in the magazine and the real yasu, I’d say the real yasu is more imppressive.  Because by seeing yasu directly, the fans even able to touch you. and that gave some different special impression .

That’s why you became having your own that they say as cool

Thank you so much for the compliment . But actually it is not like that.

And again, to see the cool yasu in the magazine is totally cool as well.

Come on, ….

Even you are a type of person that full of compliments, i think you are not that good about receiving it right …??

I am sucks eh …

When i was young, i was so proud whenever i get compliments. But as i getting older, it turned into something embarrased for me.

But now, you are more sexy ne …

Do not lie to me …

No, i do not lie. You look so natural and sexy like this lyrics Crazy love, crazy mind, crazy days (while tryin to move like Rakuen song)

OK, OK what’s next ….

~    手紙 「Letter」

You wrote a love letter, were you …

yes, i did.

Btw, we talked about this already …?  Now i never write a love letter, but i love to read all love letters that i received. I even remember to some of those who send it. There’s some letter that’s very deep.

The word’s choise that we use on a letter is really show the soul of the writer. Yes, i really love it.

~     上手  (very good at)

yasu, in what things are you very good at …?

Now, i am really good at playin Mario Kart 8 (laugh).

then are you also good at makin love …?

How am i gonna say it ….?

I myself also do not know, but i think women are more suitable to be said good about it. Because there is women that really good at flirting. That woman, maybe she do that not in purpose or reason but it’s more because of her natural instinct, since man usually do not want to do that.

A model that’s not that pretty, but really good at this. But there’s also a very pretty women but really sucks at this.

Maybe some men even say  I am very good with women but after he is in front of that women, he become nervous and said Back Off !! Back Off !!. So sometimes it would be better for a man to be controlled by a woman.

A women who really good at takin a men’s heart. Laugh often and pay a lot of attention. Usually men love that kind od care women.

And a good listener. Yeah that’s what a charming women is …
that’s all everyone, because i skipp the next part (Focus 4 : Summer 2014 review) …



yasu      :    why ….?
noi        :    it’s the same Live reports ne, ..
yasu      :    but still …
noi        :    ah, people can read on The Official Blog
yasu      :   you, lazy fangirl …

next is …

3.   B-PASS Magazine …

there you are ….

The Radiant yasu …. !!!


Enjoii …. !!!

i think they kinda make him look pale and that whatsoever they meant with 2 little ponytail is just a little bit awkward.

Aand yasu, his hair is getting longer eh. I wonder maybe he wants to keep it longer like his previous Erect Live and re-Birth single, remember?

but this time is blonde …


OMG does he thinkin about following Thor and go to Asgard ?


YUKI    :    what she is talking about ….
yasu    :    just ignore her, she watch to much superheroes movie …
noi       :    ah come on guys, long hair and blonde ? who else but Thor …
yasu    :    and i am going to Asgard?   …
noi       :    no, of course not because i am the who will go there …
yasu    :    see YUKI-chan, she is going to marry Loki …
YUKI    :    go find a new fangirl ne, this one is getting crazy  …

~ owari~

A Very Late Post, Again : 雨は、どこ 。。。。?(Another me, yasu and A Bucket of INCUBUS )


Hello hello there November is already here …. !!!


I took a day off on Thorsday,  because Tekki was having some business trip to YK (read : Yogyakarta) aand ….

she bought me a Captain America T-Shirt …#yay …!!!!

Rather spent a whole day at office wondering whether is my mother alright to be home only with our wacky housemaid, i choose to stay home with my mother.

Not only that, i also had plans to do at banks and make deal with me and my mother’s health insurance.

Here, in my village people’s aware about having a health insurance is very low. Some of them even think by make one it’s the same way of you callin for something bad happen to you.

No health insurance, nothing bad (read : sick, accident, … etc)  will happen to you … !!!

See that’s a very absurd way of thinking ne, but it is true happen here in my village.

Well that was my today’s plan, but as always plan is only a plan since i lost my wallet (again … >_<) complete with my ID card, ATMs and many more.

Then what can i do with no wallet on me?

that’s why today i do nothing but sleep until 12:00 AM, stay in front of telly while finishing this never_ending cross stitch making


i have no idea when i will manage to finish this.

Until now, i am still doing the 4th areas from all 12 areas to make this  cute 「Shangri La  」 ~ yasu and the progress.

See what i am tryin to say is … …


とても遅いですね、あたし  。。。。>_<

Maybe i made the scale too BIG for me to finish on January ne.

Now i suppose i am gonna use it for myself if i couldn’t manage to finish it on January.  Something i just realized about ths cross stitch making is the point is not about how good is the result.

For me, the point is on the making process that somehow it help me to concentrate.

By getting myself use to counting the stitch and hole in the fabric that i have to skipp for the next color or i have to make it double stitch,  i no longer do my sexccounting job in a less_concentrate hurry.

Believe it or not i’d say it kinda help me to be more calm.

Yes as calm as a Magnolia, i’d say i am more calm now  …. !!!


yasu     :    yeah, right ….
noi        :    after all, i am The Magnolia eh …
yasu    :     as you say, noi_chan  ….
noi       :    じゃあ~、今日は ね、あたし  。。。

with more than 3 cups of coffee and so many cookies, i did that stitch while cryin like hell for Prince Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) on Prince of Persia : The Sands of Time.

And somehow just by watching Dastan and Tamina run away across the desert complete with lots of sweats on their faces, it made me feel that day is so HOT. Yeah, that day was very HOT and that movie made the weather more HOT than ever …


What a lovely couple they are, eh …

I watched again this movie twice, last night and today and still cryin like hell when Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) had to let go Tamina (Gemma Arterton)’s hand and let her fall into the fire.

OMG that was so sad …

Indeed, i am A Major Wheeper ne, i cry and cry for any movies i watch.

But what i love about this movie (read : Prince of Persia : The Sands of Time) is the brotherhood message and how The King‘s ability to see a noble soul inside of an orphanage and took him as one of his son.



And not only that, his other sons (Tus and Garsiv ) also love Dastan as their own brother.

Eh God, i totally love this kind of brotherhood movie ne, maybe because i am also adopted so this kind of movie always moove me in some mysterious way. Just like how i will always support Loki no matter how bad and evil things he do.


yasu      :     skip the movie part noi_chan …
noi         :     why..?
yasu      :     you already talked about that  …?
noi         :     really? おぼえてないよ 。。。
yasu     :      what kind of writer are you …

Very well then, i am not gonna talk about Dastan again. But one thing that i cannot forget about this movie is when The King say this to Dastan


Family, the bond between brothers, that is the sword that defends our empire; I pray that that sword stays strong …

Okay, let’s move from Dastan, The Prince of Persia and now look everyone ….

together with that B-PASS magazine …


My Bucket of INCUBUS, finally arrive  …. !!!!



yay  ….

It took almost 3 weeks for me to get that Bucket of INCUBUS.

Let just say this INCUyasu is very very busy to stop by to so many doors he promised to come to (in Japan) so it make him took some time longer to arrived here in Indonesia.

Unlike Capt. America, this INCUyasu  is not a superhero anyway, so he also get delayed because …

#ewww, he cannot fly ….  !!!


yasu     :    noi_chan, don’t you know …
noi        :    what …
yasu     :    Capt America also can’t fly …
noi        :    yeah, but   … *speechless*

OK, now let’s talk about  …

~   A Bucket of INCUBUS  ….

i have no idea why the hell i didn’t manage to get the mini clear file.

My proxy already ordered it from the Mobile Fan Club and they said the bonus is a mini clear file like that, but what happen is instead of mini clear file what i got is a regular poster like the poster that people get from CDJapan, HMV or other on-line shop.

A Regular Poster for me?  really?

that’s totally not acceptable and i hate it because i don’t pay extra just to get a regular poster.

So what the hell was happen? are they ran out of stock of the mini clear file bonus or my proxy was late when he made the order ? i don’t think that’s possible, since i got a perfect mini clear file for 「Greed Greed Greed」 , 「黒猫 〜 Adult Black Cat 」 and 「君がいない、あの日から 。。。」 single.

I was thinkin about to write an email to Janne FanClub about this, but ah i hate to do some complain things like this, i think that’s gonna be useless since they already send the stuffs anyway.

And  i still can find that INCUBUS mini clear file on auctions anyway,

so why bother ….


yasu    :   hey, noi_chan ….
noi       :   WHAAAT …. !!!!
yasu    :   calm down, what is wrong with you …
noi       :   i want that mini clear file eh ya_san …
yasu    :    is that how you sayin act as Magnolia …???

How am i gonna say eh …

Maybe some of you will think it is something ridiculous to post and rambling but it is a Big Problem for me. Because i know i will now stop thinkin about how to get it until i really get it. Yes, i know me and this is the very bad side of me to want everything complete.

not only that,

again and again, just like what happen on 「Greed Greed Greed」 , 「黒猫 〜 Adult Black Cat 」 and 「君がいない、あの日から 。。。」 single, i failed again to get all the complete trading cards.


i only have these 3 trading cards




so all i need is the other one standing yasu with a white backgroud. But it’s okay now, since i already find a person to trade with.

Geez i love this time eh, …

a time when a trading card is finally to be trade is AWESOME … !!!

Now i say this is the first time for me to open and watch an Acid Black Cherry single (w/ DVD) just to watch the Offshoot.


I never do that ne, because all this time, i never do anything to all my Acid Black Cherry single or DVDs except open, took a photo and then posted in to my Facebook ( or Instagram now)  at the day i received it from post office.

All i do is put all my ABC CDs from single to single in sequence one by one then watch it and say …

PERFECT … !!!!

maybe it’s started since i always be the the last person to get my stuffs arrived thanks to how far is my hometown from the capital.  So usually i already have the video (yeah DL_ed it) from some people who really kind to share their stuffs.

And for this INCUBUS Offshoot until now …

i couldn’t find someone who shared his/her stuffs in a reasonable size. The only place i know who shared, is sharing their 2 GB files. Eh God, i am not that crazy to force my internet connection for 2 GB files just for a DVD of a video, offshoot and 4 songs in a Live.

so finally today is the time when whether i want it or not, i had to open my DVD because i really want to see INCUBUS Offshoot .




I saw some screen caps from fans who already get their INCUBUS before me like that, and thought if they (whoever they are) put Japanese subtitles on the Offshoot DVD .

At that time, i was thinking …

Wah, this is great eh …

But now i found out if it was only them explaining some important parts/facts like how many musician in the orchestra, or how long they made this video shoot. I suppose i was hoping too much again.

But there’s another interesting thing from this INCUBUS Offshoot like ..

1.   when yasu sayin this …


Time is Money … !!!

when they said how they managed to finished the PV Shoot on-time. As i remember yasu also said that Time is Money on 「黒猫 〜 Adult Black Cat 」  Offshoot eh. So i suppose now it is time for me to say ….

はい はい ya_さん、わかりました.  …

yasu    :   ん ….?
noi       :   Time is Money
yasu    :   Good …
noi       :   eeh, only that …?

or when ….

2.  We can see how he is so addicted with doing streching now  …

i’ve seen many pictures of yasu doing that streching activity on stage alone  …




or together with Junji


but i never imagine if he also do it wherever he is,  even when he is on recording like this  …..


and this ….

whatsoever he did in Saga Prefecture with his manager about tryin how flexible his shoulder is. And yes i suppose thanks to all those strecting, yasu has a very flexible shoulders.

Checked by his manager already  …


Eh God,  that’s almost 180 ° …..????

so yeah, as always there’s lots of interesting to watch in every Acid Black Cherry Offshoot video including this INCUBUS.

I’ll make an English subbed for this , maybe next week. So please bear with me, since recenlty i have so many things i want to do including update this blog daily, but i keep having less time to do it …

and for this time there you are ….

My Bucket of INCUBUS …



Calendar  ~  A



The Calendar ~  B



Let’s just say i am being mean now, so yeah it is password protected … xD

But i suppose you all already know what the password is, but if there’s some of you do not know what is the password feel free to ask me or ask members of team_yasu ….

Enjoii then …. !!!!

next is ….


winter is comin and yasu knows that, so while looking at yasu sit and act totally kawaii under that ABC umbrella, there you are everyone ….

~   Online Only Acid Black Cherry 2014 Original Winter GOODS ..


1. Volume Neck Parker : 15,000 yen
2.  ABC Original knit cap (black and grey) : 7,500 yen
3. Original vinyl umbrella : 1,500 yen


Pre-order period :  2014年11月5日(水)12:00~11月12日(水) 23:59 JST
via here              :  http://upriseshop.jp/acidblackcherry/2014winter.php

They only open the pre-order for 3 days more eh, so if you want one of those ABC Winter GOODS you better hurry call your proxy to help buy it since as we all know they (read : UpRise ) do not ship items to overseas.

I will skip those 15,000 yen parker because that’s too expensive, but it does make sense because they said it’s 100% wool. But still, it’s a free size so it won’t fit on me and i don’t think i am gonna able to use it in this forever summer hometown i am livin in.

でも、 i surely want this

1,500 yen ABC umbrella  that is more reasonable for me to buy even i am still not sure when rain will fall in here. But just in case it will fall on January, i suppose i already have this to go to office on a rainy day  …

Sounds amazing eh ….


for that vinyl ABC umbrella,

they said they will close the pre-order after they reach the planned number sales. Limited order is 2 pieces for each person aaand  ….



FYI everyone,  i did mine  …. !!!!

Well, i mean i already make sure if my proxy ordered it for me. I don’t want be left away again, didn’t get stuff that i want because i was late, like what happen to the previous ABC uniform.



Until now, i don’t have it and i don’t want it again … >_<

So,  it’s been a long time since the last rain fall in here. Everyday is summer in here, a very hot summer. So what i am doing now is just hope when that umbrella is comin to me, the rain will also come to my village.

But even if rain won’t fall until January,

i can stil use it and ask somebody to make rain fall for me. That’s easy ne, all i gotta do is go to a car wash and they will make  rain for me …


yasu     :     you what …
noi        :     aand not only that, they also have snow if you want to …
yasu     :     be serious noi_chan …
noi        :     in here, rain just stop fallin. なぜかな。。。
yasu     :     maybe because you hate it …

~to be continued~

1,000 Miles Post : CD&DL でーた Interview #2 … (Another me, yasu, INCUBUS and The Sexy Imagination)

Hello everyone,  ….

Sorry i’ve been very busy recently since my works really loves me more than anything so they won’t leave me to do something else until i finish them.

At the end of this October finally i managed to finished some of them and got an excellent result after spent my whole 2 weeks with no day off to working on the finishing.

Yes, finishing is always the hardest part now i feel so tired.

It hurts all over me, from back to head. Feels like i got beaten up by a whole battalion ofPolice in Calcutta after 1,000 miles ran away from them


yasu    :    so, what did you do now ….
noi       :    i did nothing eh, ya_san 信じて くださいよ 。。。!!!
yasu   :    you didn’t steal something from them …?
noi      :    Eh God, the one and only i want to steal in my life is you eh …
yasu  :     then why did they after you …
noi     :     you go ask them, not me …. >_<

But thank God, i have this …



This is very good eh, and totally works for me because usually Vitamin C make me sick but not this one .

It contains Vitamin C and Calcium, yeah for the C and maybe also some Vitamin D for my weak and almost broken bones ( hopefully it will fix my broken heart as well …. xD)

and the R is for ..

eee vitamin R ….?


yasu   :   be serious noi_chan, vitamin R, really …?
noi      :   maybe it’s some anti-radiant …?
yasu   :   from what …
noi      :   for you of course, since you are so radiant … !!!
yasu   :   you fangirl, go away … !!

very well then, i’d say now i am like a new bunny with energizer battery behind and i am ready to do anything.

I say anything eh, …

so what happen next is, instead of get some relax time while finishing the other projects that i haven’t finish, i make another plan for another projects …

and start to write again in here,

I say I am Inspector Himura ne, but as always i ended to be the last person in this Acid Black Cherry Fandom to get my INCUBUS singles.

You may say this is my punishment for how Greed i am to wants everything but yeah people …


Even yasu said any door …..

but because until now i still don’t have INCUBUS CD single to put on my bed to call thisINCUyasu to come to my door. …


Bloody Hell, i really need Capt. Rogers to help me now ….!!!

But of course thanks to how fast is internet sharing, i am already listen to the single and the cover track as well.


this time,

i am totally obsessed with INCUBUS (say it 150%) it was like this song never let me go to really listen to the cover track CLOUDY HEARTS from BOOWY. I did listen to the cover, and i only get yeah, well done yasu ….

But for INCUBUS ….


Bloody hell,


i had no idea what will happened to me if this wacky obsession wouldn’t end soon. I mean this songs kinda gave me ear and eye_gasm ..

yes, ear and eye_gasm …


yasu   :    hey noi_chan,
noi      :    what …
yasu   :    did you …
noi      :    i say something ended with gasm, it doesn’t mean i just had sex eh …
yasu   :    you should explain it, people will think ..
noi      :    i am sorry darling, this time you have to do your research.

I did mine btw ..

so on that Secret Meeting ….


First with the opening movie with a very BIG surprise about the upcoming 4th Album called Land then the PV with a red and purple color, La vie en Rose and this dazzling and radiant yasusinging like this, with a blue devilish eyes  …

Acid Black Cherry『INCUBUS』MUSIC VIDEO.mp4_000072197

and closed very nicely with yasu‘s talking with this something i call a dorky cute  act as a bonus ….

ah ya, you all can see the whole PV in here …


About INCUBUS ….


How am i gonna say it eh ….

since i am not in a music industrial or a music analysts so i have no idea how to say it correctly.

Yes, maybe it’s something that they (whoever they are) will say as a hard-rock music but personally i say this INCUBUS is the smooth and more organized version of GREED GREED GREED ..

I say, if GREED GREED GREED is an off-road racing, then this INCUBUS is a Formula 1 racing ….


yasu     :    F 1   …
noi        :    yes, like that movie i watch recently …
yasu     :    so …
noi        :    INCUBUS is a smooth and quite fast track like a Formula 1 racing …

Then 。。。   GREED GREED GREED eh,


Dunno why, but i always think

GREED GREED GREED is a very messy song with messed lyrics as well.

Maybe i am the one who is not too complicated to understand what the hell is yasu tryin to say with GREED GREED GREED lyrics and music but  i never get what is the point ofGREED GREED GREED beside

as an official license to be GREED from yasu ….?

so when i listen to this INCUBUS on the day they (read : team_ABC) held the Secret Meeting i was like …

Yes, yasu, yes …. !!!!!

like yasu was askin me something and i had none other answer to give but yes and yes ….!!!!. See, that’s what i am talking about having an eye and ear_gasm when you are listening and watching a music PV.

Like when you are having sex,

i am sure you wouldn’t ever say so many yes and yes … !!!!  if you don’t get the orgasm.


yasu    :   but noi_chan, you said you never have sex …
noi       :   yes, that’s true …
yasu    :   then how, OMG noi_chan did you  really ….?
noi       :   don’t be surprise like that darling.

I am an Adult Fangirl, of course i do my research eh …

yasu    :   a sex research …?
noi       :   what the …

Ok, leave the eye and ear_gasm alone, now let’s back to INCUBUS, then when i listen correctly to the lyrics …

I can’t do this anymore. I can’t sleep. I can’t dream.
It’s all a nightmare.
I can’t wake up Incubus. I…

I wake up in a nightmare, I fall a sleep
Wishing I don’t have to cry all day and all the nights

インキュバス いるんでしょ?
寝ても覚めても もう悪夢ばかり
夢でもいいから あなたでもいい 愛して

I don’t want to cry in the pain.
I can’t do this anymore.
I can’t sleep. I can’t dream.
It’s all a nightmare.
I cry with me myself and I …

インキュバス 痛いじゃない
私を犯すなら 過去は見せないでよ
せめて夢くらい いい夢にして
ねぇどうせ犯すなら 壊れるくらい快楽を

あの頃 私 夢を見てたの この世界はバラ色って
何かが狂い 乱れて枯れて 悪夢が私にキスをした

いったい 私の何がいけなかったの?
いったい どうすれば良かったって言うの?
馬鹿にしないで 悔しいのよ
だって そうやって言ったじゃない! あれだってしょうがなかった!
Just on time! もうやめて!

インキュバス 壊してよ
もうこんな世界さえ すべて壊してよ
はじけてしまえ 私の中で
溶けて交ざり合い 悪魔を宿して
お願い 愛をちょうだい

あの頃 私 夢を見てたの この世界はバラ色って
気づけば私 夢の迷い子 悪夢はまだ終わらない
色のない夢 殺される声 1つずつ奪われてく
音のない世界 感じない愛 悪夢はまだ終わらない

then i was like ….

Eeeeh, reallly yasu ….?

i thought this time yasu will make another sexy song like Black Cherry. And if Black Cherry is from the woman’s side, then this time yasu will make it the male version of Black Cherry.

From the INCUBUS side, …

where  the INCUBUS tellin us about him doing his sex crime as a sex demon ruined somebody’s life

and i never imagine this is gonna be dramatic story like this but okay, maybe i was hoping too much for this single.

So i am gonna blame what for this long eeeee …. !!!!  i said …

my dirty mind ? …


yasu    :    yeah, go blame your dirty mind …
noi       :    but i believe i don’t have a dirty mind ne …
yasu    :    then what you have ..
noi       :    i believe i do have a sexy imagination ..
yasu    :    sexy what …?
noi       :    yes, very sexy   …

enough about INCUBUS next is this

~   CD&DL でーた Interview #2

this is for Focus 2  :  Statement Collection (yasu’s)

This magazine frequently published some series interview for Acid Black Cherry.

This time we are interested to discuss what yasu said that he had from the previous archives. So we want to discuss further what it means, purpose and reason of his statements.

# from September 2009 edition, about 「黒い太陽」/「Kuroi taiyou」

ー we heard some quotes about you, yasu …

「黒い太陽」/「Kuroi taiyou」  –   in this song lyrics, yasu put his views about love


黒い太陽 is a lyrics with love at the first sight theme.

On your first meet, are you sure you will give your love only to him/her  ….?   Because that’s the most important, and if you feel i wanna know more about him/her ….!!! then it can be the beginning of love.

ーand then as you get older, is your view about love also changed …?


as you get older, the point of conversation change as well. Maybe want to know some deeper things. But the important is how their (our lover’s) attitude?

when we are young, we only see things on that time we couldn’t imagine how when we’re old later.  But when we’re get old, then we realize oh, she/he also old now

from the beginning, i always have thought if we don’t respect each other, then we cannot be together forever with person that become our girlfriend or wife

ーas a more than friend person to our lover, of course we want to able to love him/her. Then came this quote …

愛してない song is words of a high level love confession .

「It is a paradox. But i even more rarely use that 「愛してる 」 word.」

ーThen what did you say when you ask a girl to be your girlfriend …

「I don’t say 「愛してる 」 because i think 「愛してる 」 is something that we are not suppose to express with words.

I add 〜すら at the end. There are people who love to say 「愛してる」. For example sayin 「愛してるよ …. !!! 」 at the ending of phone conversation, or when you meet you ask 「愛してるよ ?/ do you love me?

but i am not that kind of type.

If in my heart i say 「いとしいな 」/「my dear 」, that means i am sayin 「愛してる 」. That’s why i don’t say it much on my daily words」

ーMen and women are different ne.

Usually  women want it to be expressed by words while man must think No need to say it, the must already know


「yeah, women are like that. Seems like it became a theory about difference between male and female.」

ーBut when it said and often repeated, that must be annoying.

yeah, i might get upset

ーOK, next  …

from the beginning, i am a kind of shy person …

yasu, are you a shy person …?


I was destined to be a shy person … !!!

and seems like there are more that kind of person (shy) than the not shy person. From all people that i know for all my life until now, the not shy person is SHUSE.

ーha ha ha

yes, he is the one.

The not very shy person. So mostly when people meet him for their 1st time, they show a friendly and a bit nervous face. But that man that i said as a not shy person said OK, just go you all ..!!!

sayin something like that at the beginning, that’s totally not good.

Kansai people are known to consider public image as important, but is there any newly acquainted people come to you and being not polite?


yes, i have …!!

I am sure that person is from Kansai (laugh). It’s said that Kansai people have a good character, but in this situation it turned out to be the contrary as what people think. Maybe this person already tired to be a nice person.

So i must be more aware where ever i am.

ーCharacter, eh …

Actually i’ve been fooled by some person. This person, why act like that to other people but like this to me.  But behind all of that, there must be many other good side.


I understand and very sorry for what happened to you. All this time, i never get fooled btw. We have no idea how far a person able to see something.

But be sure if people with that kind of character, must have a boring live than other people with more kind heart.

ーyes, that’s so true.

Then about a man’s truth and faithfulness, i am interested with what you said about

not to forgive, but when i want to give up, then I’ll give up

Is that supposed to mean that man really can’t give up and separated?


yeah, i think so. But that’s not an accurate advice anyway because i think it’s only a reason for a man to himself.

ーThen what would a man say about a woman’s truth and faithfulness?


For me, even if for a faithful woman i’d rather not to know about that. For example if we accidentally see their call history or message in their phone, it makes us suspicious or not believe in them.

So it will be more better if we don’t know right …?

Or when they send a message using icon, maybe it shows how faithful she is but what if she doesn’t use that icon? That’s why i’d rather not to look on their phone.

But man or woman, they’re certainly not going to hide his faithful towards their beloved right, because if they do it will show their insincerity that will hurt their loved one.

ーHmmm, but the feel on Bit Stupid song isn’t the female character is too be hidden …?


Really too hidden, isn’t so?

Then apparently it really end (laugh). But actually it depends to the person. An affair it can’t be forgiven. Actually i’ve been cheated once and thought about i can forgive.

But even i did forgive, it still sucks anyway.

To all those who’s never been cheated by someone, hey must be very happy eh (laugh) . I’ve been cheated when i was young (laugh).


But in relationship there’s some phrase of that person is totally unfaithful so are you really sure with your love?

ー Very well then what about 「恋人」/「Lover」 that written as 「愛しい人」/「Itoshii Hito」/「My Dear」 …?


i think 「恋人」/「Koibito」/「Lover」 is a some sad state/situation, because it would be better if both use 「愛しい」/「Itoshii 」/「My Dear」 for each other.

Now i watch this 「昼顔」/「Hirugao」 drama …


Then i thought there’s also something not good about having a lover. Unless we can put a limit each other, unlike the marital relationship (husband and wife).


Similar with faithful to your lover, if we can’t show it then it won’t work. So just respect each other …

That’s all, since it’s already midnight now so i will continue to my next post and this one is ….

~   Whatsoever Update from me …

this is for 5th Season 『 Shangri-la 』 PHOTOBOOK ~ Oita


Enjoiii … !!!!

and last but not least, now i kinda wonder …

Geeez yasu, you are a bit complicated eh …


yasu    :   and you are not …?
noi       :    of course not, like Magnolia i am a simple person.

For me it’s easy :  say it or leave it … !!!

yasu    :    ah, that’s why he dumped you noi_chan
noi       :    no, he is not. He only ignore me, that’s all
yasu    :    yeah, not yet.


Weekend Post : Secret Meeting キタ ..! (Another me, yasu, CD&DL でーた Interview and Miss Sarah Bunting)



Hello, hello everyone i am having my weekend btw   …..

Aaaand ….


yasu     :     what another delayed homework ….?
noi        :      well, i am afraid so
yasu     :      then what’s for today, another long movie talk  ..
noi        :      of course not …

Well,  you know what i am gonna talking about ne,

~   yeah, 「INCUBUS」 again … !!!!

CD Only

on their latest post on The Official Blog they said they were in the factory and they shared how the CD‘s processing from …

CD Board printing (Japan’s first premiere 「INCUBUS 」 CD Board)


then gathered


then put it into 『INCUBUS』 CD case


jacket also set and  the seal will be attached from the top to the end


and finally …. !!!


i’d say that’s very interesting post ne and indeed, as you read what Team_ABC posted on The Official Blog there will be a Secret Meeting


place and time already decided like this  …

Place     :   Team_ABC‘s twitter : https://twitter.com/TeamABCofficial
Time       :   Sunday, October 12th 2014 at 23:00 ~  24:00 JST

it’s on JST (Japanese Standart Time) so make sure you know what time is is on your country.  On that Secret Meeting they (read : Team_ABC) will tweet a link to their Youtube channel for something.

on CD&DL でーた interview yasu sayin

fans who already know my style must start to wonder  how is the next album concept …. ?

so in this case i’d say fans who already know yasu and his Team_ABC style will know if

the link that they will privately tweet is a link for 「INCUBUS 」 PV … !!!

short version, i suppose …

And also because they said it will be a private tweet means they will make their twitter account as private,  so you must be on twitter and be follow them …

How to do that …..?


noi        :     オモ、is that a joke ….?
yasu     :     why everything is joke for you …
noi        :      because hey, who isn’t on twitter now …?
yasu     :      there’s some, because  …

Indeed, somebody asked that question about how to join twitter and follow Team_ABC that they kindly answered it by this tweet ….


How kind and sweet eh …

they are rather kindly sweet now,  aren’t they?

so everyone, tomorrow on 23:00 ~ 24:00 JST,  make sure you all on-line and ready in front of your PC.  They will only open the link for one hour so like Cinderalla‘s ball, the Secret Meeting ended at midnight.

So  you all know what you have to do because thanks to how earth goes around the sun and created time difference for us (read : oversea fans), who knows some of us might not able to join the Secret Meeting for school or works reason.

and as always everyone …

Sharing is Caring …  >_<

and today ….


i just back fro the post office to get my るろうに剣心 poster that my friend kindly send to me.  He is from Singapore and about two weeks ago, he said to me if he won るろうに剣心 poster and kindly asked whether if i want it or not …

I said yes, i want it ….!!!

But it is always took forever to ge to get something that i really want. This time is るろうに剣心 poster, If my friend said i will get it on 10 days i think i will have it on 20 or 25 days from the day he send it. I am not gonna say Indonesian Post is slow, but maybe it is because how far is my village.

i suppose now it is the perfect time where this sassy and annoying Miss Sarah Bunting will say …


i really don’t like her at all,

even Lady Mary approved by sayin to Tom about how not keen she is for Miss Bunting even she also said she will support whatever Tom decide later.


But we have to see her a lot in this 5 Season of Downton Abbey since Tom Branson, the lovely Irish widower’s part is bigger and Miss Bunting is in it. And …

Do you know what Miss Bunting said to those Rusian refugees ….?


yasu     :     noi_chan, stop talking about your TV series …
YUKI     :     is she always like this …
yasu     :     yeah, she is one of those TV junkies
noi        :     guys, i can hear you ne …
yasu     :     then finish this post hurry, i am busy


so because how i don’t like that sassy Miss Bunting, from now on i will call every  pepople that i think annoying as Miss Bunting … !!!

next is this ….

~    CD & DLでーた 2014年 10月号 Interview : Focus 1 「 Music Production Technics 」


From a powerful rock tone to a beautiful ballad, until now yasu won hearts of the fans thanks to his various musical compositions.

So how is yasu‘s thoughts about music production technical like writing lyrics, creating song and more …?

Every song, surely need their own process and how is yasu‘s thoughts about that?

If the intro doesn’t fit, then it will not reach the hook

yasu is said to be a type of serious person when the time of music production. Is that true ?

「yes, i am not a type of person who love to keep ideas that i got on the days before because on the regular day i cannot think maximal.

Actually i only able to create music when there’s eagerness to make it. If i don’t have the Let’s Make Music … !!!, then i cannot make a music.

On the other way, when i am in the period of making music time then i will think about it over and over. Even when i am doing any other activity like playing game or watching TV. 」

DAIGO even say : yasu, why when it come to creating music time you really hard to call ?

Are you too serious to do it …?

「ha ha ha … yes (laugh) because i really could not pick up the phone. 」

yasu, do you often play musical instruments and do arrangement by yourself?

「yes, but sometimes i feel not sure enough after finished some percent, so i always ask for opinions.

Basically, i never think what they think about me because if i think about it, it will be a burden for me. But at least they will give the best right?

However i do love many musical instruments. I don’t like if somebody say a vocalist job is only to make song. 」

yasu, you really love drums aren’t you?

On Ongaku to Higetachi 2014 – Stadium Rock’n Roll August 30th in Niigata on the performance of Maximum The Hormone you seemed having fun to claps your hands on your knees as if you were playing drums.

「yes, at that time i was carried away.

I do love drums, because drum’s pattern also can produce a nice song.

When i started to create a song, i think about what kind of pattern that fans preferred. Is it a vertical or horizontal pattern. Beside that, i also set the tempo, rhythm, beat and else. 」

ー In making music composition, what is the most prioritized part?

Intro. Intro is the most important right?

I am more better in intro than hook, even people say i am good on hook but if the intro doesn’t fit then it will not reach the hook.

Song and melody also very important. With melody, intro become a music. There’s a time guitar riff is also important. I often says i want to able to do key … !! like this then tryin various keys. At that time, i always do my best.

On music production, want to started from any part each person have their own way depends on the music it self. But i think the most important is the upper tone and intro. Upper tone set, then to intro.

First, i think about what kind of melody that i will use and then i make the intro. 」

PS   :   

1.   Intro/introduction is  a unique section that comes at the beginning of the song. usually contain only music and no words.
2.   Hook is a musical idea, often a short riff, passage, or phrase, that is used in popular music to make a song appealing and catch the ear of the listener. It generally applies to popular music, especially rock music, R&B, hip hop, dance music, and pop  

ー By using mono, is there something that can be started with melodi A or B?

「 There is. I only use some trick that basically it came up from my thoughts as well. By doing trials like key changing on this and that part.」

ー have you ever make the lyrics first and then the music?

「No. Creating words, lyrics straight together with melody i suppose that’s a rare thing to happen. For example : what kind of melody for this word eh …? it is gonna be hard to remember.

But generally lyrics are take on from the tone

ー so after tone then lyrics?

Then on the phase of where you start to think about things like on this music i am gonna a scene like this or  i wanna make this from a woman’s point of view ?

「Well, i am not that kind of type.

When i take the lyrics, i do system check first. For example, on this high key i want to use a or e. I am not good with row u and the height of row i. Or i am good with ki in this key, but ki on that key i am not good enough.

That was it, i think a lot about that kind of things then i managed to decide it.

Then to make music good to be heard, i often play on words. For example it’s a high tone seems perfect eith a, because it is falsetto , maybe it will better to make it u or i. I never do tone extension for n.

yeah, just like that.

Because based on voice, there are times when the voice will be easily lost or in words there is voice that broken or sonant. Then there’s 2 syllables on one tone, example ai spoken in one voice : ai. There’s also three syllables in one tone.

That’s how i write lyrics while think about what kid of words i have to use so it can become a beautiful melody.」

ー ah, that’s why your music is so good to be heard and has its own characteristics. Not inferior to western music


ー so the first step is system check. But after that do you also make a storyline? That’s a pretty hard thing to do, isn’t it? Because you also have to adjust the character or letter to a perfect voice.

「yea, that’s the phase that need most time and cause problem.

Like prioritize the story, points of the lyrics or the beautiful voice. For that kind of meaning, it supposed to use this word, but later it will come to be less in the listener’s heart, like that. 」

ー sounds really hard eh …

「yeah, it is hard. It’s quite troublesome work to do. Well, i can only explain to that, maybe not all but actually that is the hardest part.

Because for the listener, the point and storyline of a song lyrics is important but me as the song writer must give the priority to the beautiful sounds.」

ー OK, then on the timing when you will say what if we make this melody is for another song …

「There’s no such an exact timing to say. It just flows. Creating an atmosphere or sometime write a little bit painful lyrics to non-mellow.

Of course when the melody already set, then automatically the atmosphere, color or the song’s beauty will created. 」

ー なるほど、by the way some says if a master piece usually created when you really are broken hearted rather than when you are happy or nothing happen.

What about you yasu? Is there any song created because your heart was broken?

「yeah, it was a long time ago.

But actually i am not somebody who able to create when broken heart or sad. yes, i had one. I wrote a song lyrics because i my heart was broken.

It was a long time ago, when i wrote lyrics of Janne Da Arc ‘s Kasumi Yuki Sora Se ni Shite,  i was broken hearted before.

On that lyrics, i let the words based on the scene of what i had that time. But because of that it sounds more real. so the message can delivered well to the listener.

People do have their own way of thinking, but for me when i am in my saddest time i cannot write lyrics.

Then few time later, maybe i remember it again that scene and i able to write a lyrics. And of course that sad is already my past so i can laugh and talk about it with you.」


ー 口づけて 愛し方 教えてくれたなら
忘れ方も 教えてよ …

kuchizukete aishikata oshietekureta nara
wasurekata mo oshiete yo

Since by kissing me, you taught me how to love
Teach me how to forget it, too


流した涙の数だけ 君を愛してた これだけは言えるよ間違いじゃない

nagashita namida no kazu dake kimi wo aishiteta kore dake wa ieru yo machigaijanai

With just the tears I’ve shed, I can only say I loved you, and that’s no mistake

then the listener will say this lyrics is so me, i wanna cry. But now it is not the time to be drawn in this memories

「ha ha ha , really ….?

But i think that’s good, every listener must their own memories right?

But for example if the scene on this song not really sounds good to them, at least by listening to the song they can feel what other people may feel.」

ー yes, yes music composition and and lyrics are totally connected. Just like your technics of using a little bit painful lyrics on a non-mellow song

「yeah, like that. When i was young, i thought it is not a good lyrics if it’s to easy to understand

ーFor this interview, to gathered information i was also read yasu‘s song lyrics. It turned out to be fairly typical, because it’s different with other love song’s lyrics. On yasu‘s lyrics, there’s lot of man and woman’s psychological description.

「Is that much? I don’t even realize it.

I think a love song it must be connected with the phrase オマエが好き/I love you. There’s no such words like 愛してる/I love you. So i change the point of view of 愛してる/I love you feeling.

When i write a lyrics, i always pay attention from which point of view is the storyline. 」

PS  :

オマエが好き/Omae ga suki for I love you is more often used by man rather than 愛してる.

Because 愛してる is more serious I love you with a deeper meaning about you want to spent the rest of your life with someone you say 愛してる to

ーWhen i read your lyrics it also surprised me and make me say so, it is like this when my feelings written to words . And because that lyrics also remind me to my forgotten feelings.

Not only from the perfect scene and point of view but i also able to bubbling the emotions from that feelings/experience i ever had.

I think it is brilliant.

「Really? i didn’t expect it can be that way, but i am glad to hear your opinion.

Actually lyrics is pretty hard to do. It is true if a song lyrics gonna feel more live if it’s according to our experience even maybe it will violates some policy.

But if only care about policy, so only rely on outside look or cool stuffs to sat then the message will not delivered at all. So too much to the point is not good but not less is not good as well.」

ーso the to the point sing for real it invites sympathy or lots of responds, but is it also caused haters?

「yeah, actually it is.

Lyrics is not easy. I’ve read a lyrics that the meaning is not clear  what the hell is this ?.

But otherwise, when i was young i had a wish to use cool words on lyrics. Inside a lyrics, beside there’s a good choice of words surely it also has a good meaning.

Because if the meaning is too easy to understand, then it will become a not good lyrics」


ーFurthermore yasu, in one song from 3 minutes to 5 minutes there must be a storyteller that can make a good story , just like you. And when there’s a booming song and lyrics, you always be an icon.

「Thanks for the compliment, accept anything like that was nice.

It will created an imagination for the listener. I want all the listener enjoy my song, impressed, get a new mood or carried away. I will be very happy if my music and lyrics can move the listener’s heart.

For example, somebody eat an hamburger. I will be happy that person say what is this, i never eat something like this before but it is delicious rather than it’s like a delicious hamburger that i ate before.

Another example, a person who love metal is like a person who love curry. Today is curry, tomorrow is Qeema curry (Indian curry) and next day is black curry. Then that person say waah so delicious, curry is the best … !!!.

Each person have their own specialties, but i’d prefer if that person say wah, it is really curry but what’s the ingredients huh? i never see it before.

Something like that is my goal, to find a new unexpected things. And i don’t like to say it is not good for something 」

ーBecause not good, it doesn’t mean it is a bad thing right?

「Yes, both in song or lyrics. After debut, i was somebody that so chatty about lyrics.

When somebody asked me Is your lyrics failed  ….  ? i answered there is definitely a failure.

People do have failure right.

Bad result, it can be prevented, but i always not somebody who have a confident about lyrics, so while writing a lyrics i often confused how is this ? . But because there’s a failure so i became like this. 」

ーそう、a simple type …

「really, i just know there’s such a simple type」

ーIf you think it is a positive, you also think about the negative part right?

「yes, perhaps. When i talked with other musician, i’ve said  Are you sure that’s gonna be good? but i even decided it’s better not to be published. It must be fun if it can be published well, but actually not published it also fine.

So when i think about it again, failed is sucks. 」


ーyaya, it’s like you admitting your own lyrics. I also had one, when i was young i often get my script failed to publish.

「Maybe it is the same feeling, but aren’t you feel tired if you keep failin? 」

ーyes, because a script is also sum of words. We can’t just decided to use what kind of word, like a lyrics.

「Writing a lyrics, maybe we can call it as a song fiction. Open one by one part that step by step it will become better than before.」

ーyeah, it’s like sharpening yourself, so it’s normal if we feel happy about getting a compliment.

「Get a compliment is like getting a recognition and think i finally recognized … !!! then feel happy.」

ーyou are a person with lots of compliments eh ..

「ha ha ha …

Compliments, that means a lot. People who often failed, they must be very tired. I can say that because i had failures too. I am thankful for that but still, failed is sucks.」

ーthen do your best not to fail

「ha ha ha, that’s right 」

ーand do your best as talented person

「Talented, who is talented ?」

ーno no no, i think you are a really talented person. You must feel why i am now able to understand a woman’s heart?That must be because you learned a lot from romance aren’t you?

「I am not that bad. We never realize if we can learn a lot from many things. I am that kind of person.」

ーBtw, the new single on October is gonna have what kind of feeling?

「A song composition that’s not like a single at all. 「Greed Greed Greed」  is not like a single song. If this single can be more than 4, then i will think about an album.

Fans who already know my style must start to wonder how is the next album concept …? . I am really happy to hear it. So i hope you all to wait. 」

that’s all for today ….

i a will continue the next part maybe Focus 2  :  Statement Collection (yasu’s)  tomorrow while waiting for the Secret Meeting to come, because i am gonna spent this day to continue this …

Do you see the Shangri – La …..?

first area is almost finish, 11 area left to finish aaandd

next area will be more difficult than the previous because it is the middle area means there’s no blocking job (read : not changing color a lot, but only use the same color for a larger area) .

Changing color a lot  is a bit difficult to me since i only have one needle and i keep lost it and forget where the hell i put it.

So yeah i will need more coffee for that …

i am a coffee addict, so yes i do love and need coffee ….

Last night it was a little bit hell of a night since there’s no coffee left in the kitchen and i don’t like to go out again after after work if nothing important. I went to bed with no coffee last night.

after listening to this song many times and let the un_healed wound of my broken heart open again …


僕の考えは間違いと 自分隠した 正しさが何かもわからずに
流した涙の数だけ 君を愛してた これだけは言えるよ間違いじゃない



Whuuut the,  my intentions were misguided ……???


yasu       :      eh, really noi_chan ….
noi          :      i do have a crush on him ya_san, それは、間違いじゃないよ 。。。。!!!
yasu       :      but he is still ignore you, how many days already until now?
noi          :      a week ….
yasu       :      i’ll find a super glue for your heart then
noi         :       oh, how nice    ….



愛してる Post : 「Shangri-la 」 Live ~ Oita …. (Another me, yasu, Niki and James )

Do you know how  many i am sorry i said today ….?

I have no idea, but surely it was a lot of sorry for one today.

But thank God, i still able to finished this week whole long Moanday and his other mean brothers Tuesday and Wednesday, even i had to be the stupid one who missed to see one zero behind on that price tag.

The correct price is USD 33,000 but in my eyes it was  USD 3,300.

Damn, i must be blinded eh …


yasu    :    go buy a new glasses …
noi       :    i have one …
yasu    :    then use it …
noi       :    do you know what i said when they said Are you blind .. ? to me …
yasu    :    what …
noi        :    i said  ….

yes, i must be blind …

to missed that one zero behind from 33,000 to only 3,300. What a shame on me.

I know i have a pair of blurry eyes, and just like how i refused to use a hearing-aid for one of my ear because i believe it will make me look stupid, i also never forced myself to use my glasses everyday

and that’s why i never mind about HQ or LQ for video or mp3 because to me, they are the same

so in this case, i don’t blame my eyes

I blamed myself and this blown away mind to somewhere that i myself have no idea where. I dunno what was on my mind at that time, but surely not 100% on that matter we were talk about on my meeting today.

It was a total chaos and indeed it will make me loose some of my points in Comissioner Vijay‘s eyes.

yes, points eh …

I know i used to say how careless i am bout any points given on my works daily since the one and only points i care about was only points that CDJapan gave me. But now i changed.

yes again, i am so CHANGEABLE … !!!

Let’s just say from now on i do care about all points that i’ve earned and just like how Niki counting how many ponts did his rival James took point on tournaments during his time in hospital, now i do count my points.

And i don’t care if people may think me as a point bitch now, it’s fine as long as it is still on the LINE,  i will do that. I still know where is the LINE, my limit and time where i have to stop tho.

This Niki and James i am talking about is The Legendary F1 World Champion Niki Lauda and James Blunt


yeah, recently i just re-watch Ron Howard’s Rush (2013), a brilliant movie about them again.

i re-watched it again about 6 times aand on the 7th time, rather than watching,  i became more listening to that movie and start to talk following what the character say.

Ha ha, yeah that’s what happen when i watch one movie too much. Maybe some of you have the same thing with me, when you tend to talk to the telly as what the movie character said and then laughed to yourself like an idiot.

Me to movie is always like a dry spons to a bucket full of water.

What i am sayin is when i watch a movie for the 1st time, i tend to be annoying. You know that kind of annoying audience on cinema ne, the one who keep talking during the movie including calling the character name or sayin

oh noooo …. !!!

complete with an idiot act when there’s something that i think totally wrong or doesn’t make any sense,

but on my 2nd time watching, i usually be a silent audience and start to change myself into a dry spons ready to take, try to find and remember everything i see and listening.

and of course i don’t do that to all movies i watch ne.

that kind of act is only for movies that really2 good and captured my eyes and heart at the first time i watch it. For sexample Saving Private Ryan, The Avengers, Pride and Prejudice …. and this movie Rush (2013)


If you know Ron Howard‘s movies,  you must know how this movie will be.

So this movie is about  ….


yasu     :     hey, can you do your homework first …?
noi        :     ah ya, but this movie is all over my mind now  ….
yasu     :     keep the movie talk later
noi        :     as you say then …

next is for ….

~    「Shangri-la 」 Live ~  Oita

Project 『Shangri-la 』 landed on Kyushu district, and this time is Oita Prefecture.  After the 「Shangri-la Meeting 」 on the previous day, 「Shangri-la 」Live was held at Beacon Plaza Philharmonia Hall, Beppu City ~ Oita on April 2nd, 2014.

Geez, it was 6 month ago ….  !!!


yasu     :     it’s too late, noi_chan
noi        :     it is a very late post ですよ …!!
yasu     :     why you are so slow ..
noi        :     because i am Capt. Slow now …

and also talking about 「Shangri-la Meeting」, we already know if yasu‘s mother is from Oita. So they were also visiting some relatives, and somehow before live yasu was pretty nervous than usual.

#  The Local Gourmet corner

These local gourmet of Oita that familiar to yasu were waiting on the venue such a nice line-up ..

~   Fried shrimp,
~  Green salad,
~   Rice,
~  Tai meshi/Sea Bream rice,

A very healthy and easy dish to make, a cleaned fish with scales removed and simmered in a pot with rice, ginger and dashi stock. Well, even they say it is  a simple and easy dish to make,

still i am not gonna try to make it.

because i am sure it is not that simple as they say on internet or cooking show on telly. Yes, i do love to see cooking show on telly, but not to try it.

I even remember when my telly cable open all their channel free for a whole month for their whatsoever promo, Asian Food Channel risen up my apetite to the highest level.

Thank God that promo is over ne.

So try to make a dish based on internet?  why would i ….


yasu     :    because you can’t make it …
noi        :    だれ、  僕  。。。。 ?
yasu     :    stop sayin 「僕」  !
noi        :    but it’s fun to say ne, and   …..
yasu     :    you are not a boy, aren’t you …
noi        :    but most people who only know me by name think i am a boy …
yasu     :    ええ、本当に?

Well, It is not that i can’t cook, of course i can.

Thanks to the almost 4 years i spent stayed in my relative’s house during my college time. I spent every morning and night do nothing but cooking, cleaning, teaching and many other domestic things.

so yeah, there’s a time in my life when i was so domestic …

I am talking about the time when i only worried about what is happen at home, spent my time at class wondering is everything OK at home? is rain gonna fall today, since i left my laundry outside, are the boys OK at school,  and what’s for dinner tonight ….

And now, i never do that anymore because i don’t have to. I have a control freak and drama queen mother who never let me to do anything, but working at day and then dine together at night.

back to the topic, next line-up is …

~  yasu’s fave no. 1  :   pikcles
~  yasu’s fave no. 2  :   natto …

aaand …

Speaking of Oita,


Fried Chicken ….. !!!

everyone’s fave dish and yasu‘s ne, since i read a lot about how he loves Fried Chicken

After meal,

continued with a relaxed and full of smile talks and reading manga and they ( read :  【TEAM Acid Black Cherry】) also gave us a rare scene to see in the dressing room.

Yes, i am talking about this yasu shaving scene …


Indeed, it is a rarely scene eh, …

Because i found it is very hard to imagine yasu‘ shaving before seeing that picture above. Even i know the fact if he is a man and no matter how pretty and kawaii they look, a man do shaving ne.

People do say my imagination is wide, but imagine yasu‘ shaving is …

totally beyond all my fangirl imaginations … !!!


yasu     :     you already posted about it,  noi_chan ….
noi        :      eeh, did i …?
yasu     :     don’t you check ..
noi        :     hello, i am the Inspector ne, so i do not checking …
yasu     :     yeah right ….

And then

in the dressing room a staff gave a summary booklet of Kyushu‘s each prefecture from homemade delicacies, tourist destinations, dialect, else and then

ready to go Live  … !!!!


next is ….

#   The question selected on The Question Corner …

is …

The episode when you first made your own song …

and yasu”s answer is …

me too, it’s when i was in high school. I think it was on my 1st year of high school.

At that time there was MTR, a multiple recording device. Put the cassette, in four superimposed-record, it was possible, but i couldn’t do the instrument, i only put the main vocal.

I was think about put the song first, and then put the chorus after that (laugh).

Usually i put what i want, it takes the rhythm together and put the song at the end. I put the song first, so it will fit, the selfish (laugh). Somehow i was managed to composed on my own.

But i was worn out. I thought it was a difficult recording.

I say i made my first song, and it is the first but i guess if there were electronic organ in the house at the time of my elementary school, i had to play around with it.

then, let’s continue with …

#   The SetList

「Shangri-la 」Live 02.02. 2014.~  Philharmonia Hall

Set List

01. sins
03. Pistol
04. in the Mirror
05. Jigsaw
06. Kuroneko ~Adult Black Cat~
07. Yes
08. Kimi ga Inai、ano hi kara…
09. Shangri – La
10. Greed Greed Greed
11. Cherry cherry
12. Black Cherry


14. Kimi ga Iru kara (request)
15. Fuyu no Maboroshi (request)
16. Kuroi Taiyou

then ….

#  The Kewpie …



「温泉」/「Onsen」/「Hot Spring」

yeah, they called that almost naked (with only a towel) kewpie as Onsen. It’s because it fits with the style when you are going to enter a hot spring.

Annnd ….

やった 。。。!!!

it’s done, now le’t back to the movie again OK …. *totally sexcited*

~   RUSH (2013)


This movie is a biographical drama of 2 race car drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda, their friendship and rivalry between them during 1976 Formula 1 motor racing season way to be a world champion.

Directed by Ron Howard (A Beautiful Mind)  with Chris Hemsworth (Thor) as Hunt and Daniel Bruhl (Good Bye Lenin) as Lauda.

In this movie, by leaving his hammer savely in Asgard and changed it into a Formula 1 car, Chris Hemsworth prove his ability to be another character other than what people know him as Thor and indeed, he did a good job

James Hunt and Niki Lauda started their rivalry from 1970 Formula 3 race in England when both their cars spint out and ended with Hunt as the winner. They both are a very different man.

On 1975, Niki Lauda joins Ferrari and wins his 1st championship, while James Hunt managed to join McLaren after assured them if he will do all they say to him including with sponsors.

Screen Shot 2013-09-28 at 2.49.09 PM

James Hunt , an English youngman that even tend to vomitt before every race, but he is the real daredevil. For him, that’s the point of sport. He married to a supermodel but ended with divorced.


While Niki Lauda is a cool Austrian, with a genius calculating technical  who relies on precision and perfectionist as well. He meet Marlene, a socialite and date her.

This is my fave scene when Niki Lauda meet Marlene



something was wrong with their car, and then Marlene stopped a car of two man who is so excited to meet Niki Lauda. It’s a pleasure for them to give them a ride with one condition,

Niki is the one who drive

Inside car, the car owner is so happy about the  Formula 1 driver Niki Lauda drives his car. But Marlene who have no idea if Niki is a famous Formula 1 driver even ask who is Niki and next dialouge is so lovely ….

the car owner   :   no one will believe if Niki Lauda is driving my car now
his friend          :    Niki lauda, Niki Lauda …. !!!
Marlene             :   can someone explain to me what is happeing here, who are you, should i know you?
the car owner   :   you don’t know him …?
Marlene             :   no  …
the car owner   :   he is Niki Lauda, Formula 1 driver and he just assigned with Ferrari
Marlene             :   him? impossible
the car owner   :   why …
Marlene             :   well, Formula 1 drivers, they have a long hair, sexy … anyway, look how they way he is driving like an old man
Niki                    :   there’s no need to drive fast, we’re not in the hurry and i am not being paid, so why would i drive fast?
Marlene             :   because i am asking you to
Niki                    :   and you always get what you want
Marlene             :   usually …

and what happened is Niki drive fast like a hell ….

OMG that’s so sweet, isn’t it …?


noi       :     nee, ya_san ….
yasu    :     Great, after a Fanboy now she wants  F1 Driver boyfriend …
noi       :     i didn’t say that …
yasu    :     you don’t have to …
noi       :     then go find me one ….

so Niki Lauda and Marlene,

they finally married in a private wedding and then he started to worries about the effect of his marriage for his racing career because for him

Happiness is your biggest enemy. It weakens you. Puts doubts in your mind. Suddenly you have something to lose …

As a perfectionist, Niki always sure there’s always 20% chance for him to dead in a race so if he is not gonna join a race if that chance is more than 20%.

Then at the German Grand Prix, Niki Lauda convinced the F1 comitee to cancel the race during the heavy rain and storm in Nürburgring, the longest and most dangerous racetrack in the world .

They voted, but no one voted to cancel the race because Hunt convinced the other if that’s just another reason from Niki to make an excuse to avoid a racing without loosing.

So he still join the race and as what he worried before, bad things happened.

On the half part of 3rd lap, a suspesion arm in Niki ‘s Ferrari breaks and sent brust the car into flame. Ended with Niki stuck about 2 minutes on 800 F degrees flame before they finally able to get him out of his car.

They took him to hospital with third-degrees burn to his face, head and some dangerous internal burns in his lungs.

He spent his recovering days in hospital while watching his rival James Hunt took all points in the tournament that he missed.

How many times i watch this movie, i still can’t stop myself to cry on the after surgery scene when he try to put a helmet on his injured head. He is totally in pain, even his wife asked him to stop.

But he said to his wife …

If you love me, then don’t say anything ….

Followed with another full of pain treatment to get what the burns left inside his lung, he also has to do a suction treatment where the doctor put a long pipe through his mouth into his lung and pump out the dirt left inside his lungs out.

It was the most painful treatment and he did that while watching Hunt racing on television and somehow it helped him a lot.

And against  all his doctors, Niki Lauda back to race after at the Italian Grand Prix only 49 days in hospital with his new face.

From all other racers there only James Hunt who said hello to Niki . Not only that, even during the press-con there’s a journalist who asked Niki about what his wife sayin when she look at his new face ..

Niki  was tryin to be nice,

by answering       :   sweetie, you don’t need a face to race. All you need is only your leg
but the journalist  :   i am serious now
Niki                      :   i am also serious and F**K you …!!!

Hunt, who feel responsible for what happened to him, say nothing but gave that journalist a lesson that he supposed to to forget.

On that race, Niki finished as fourth while Hunt fails to finish the race and all the audience were running to his car after the race is over.

They kinda celebrate the coming back of their hero .

The final season of 1976, a rain soaked Japanese Grand Prix. With Lauda‘s absence pulled Hunt into three points of him. But learning from his last accident in German, Niki Lauda return to the pits on the second lap and when his mechanics ask him

Is there something wrong with the car Niki?

he said …

No, nothing is wrong with the car. I quit …

He decided to stay with his wife Marlene rather than risk his life again on the track. Hunt finished the race and win the championship.

After that race, Hunt spent his life as a new World Champion with lots of party, fame, sex and drugs. While Lauda started to learn to flyin a private plane. He think it is good to help him more focus.

They meet again at a private airfield in Bologna where Hunt wants to go to his friend’s wedding party. Lauda suggested him to be more focus for the next season.

and this ending scene is the best scene of this movie, when he said  …


Stop thinking of it as a curse to have given an enemy in life, it can be a blessing too.

A wise man can learn more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

and from that scene we can see how different they are, but at the same time they support each other in their own way. For Niki Lauda, James Hunt is one of few people in he respect.

James Hunt  is kinda person who feel enough with one world champion, nothing further to prove. He retired on 1979 and became a sport comentator on TV and died on 1993 at age 45.

I’d say, this movie is how a race movie should be. No offense to all you fanboys, but i’d say

rather than Fast and The Furious or any other race movie, RUSH a way more better movie to watch and learn about race.

And …

Daniel Bruhl did steal my attention at the beginning with his brilliant performance as Niki Lauda. He also on The Fifth Element with Benny ne,

i have that DVD but i haven’t watch it ….. !!! #BIGProblem


yasu      :     what ….
noi         :     do you think l i have to  re-watch again his movies  ….?
yasu      :     hee   …
noi         :      aah, you think so,   …
yasu      :     hey, i didn’t say anything  …

ah ya next is this …..

~ Whatsoever Update from me ….

this one is

5th Season 『 Shangri-la 』PHOTOBOOK : Kagawa


Enjoii …. !!!!

aaand ….

recently i also busy with this CD & DL Data Interview ne …..


indeed, yasu talk about a lot there. So yeah there’s so many interesting there.

As what they said there, at the beginning the interview is supposed to be about the upcoming  new single 「INCUBUS」, but because it is still in the recording process so they changed the interview theme into 4 parts.

Focus 1  :  Music Production Technic


Focus 2  :  Statement Collection (yasu’s)


Focus 3  :  What you feel


Focus 4  :  Summer 2014 Review …


i am still doing this, and if maybe some of you wanna read it please bear with me because  unlike the girly2 magazines,

it’s a long interview from CD&DL Data ne ….

But there’s some of my fave part and i remember i read yasu also said his opinion about this on other magazine. It’s about the different between man and woman about sayin 「I love you」 .

He said …

i rarely use 「I love you」 because I think 「I love you」 is not supposed to be expressed in words …..

ああ〜〜 なるほどね、やっさん 。。。

But as what he said man tend to think we don’t have to say it, they will find out. But on the other way, woman still think if sayin 「I Love you」 is very important.

I suppose woman need something to say ne ….


yasu    :   only something to say …
noi       :   well ….
yasu    :   really, especially you who wants anything….?
noi       :   of course followed with another thing to prove ne

Especially for a bit clueless and wants anything person like me,

i do need somebody to say that 「I love You」 if he is into me.

Yes, if you ask about this 5 or 6 years ago, i will say i’d rather see your act than hear you say 「I love You」to me, but not now.  Maybe because i am just too old to do some love guessing game like a teenage do and also i don’t have time to do it.

i am practically a direct person about this kind a thing now, so say it or leave it … !!!

And since i am one of the anti N.A.T.O (No Action Talk Only) person, of course it will followed with me demand another things to prove.  Yeah boys, girls are complicated ne. Even i hate to say it but sometimes ….

i am also complicated …


noi         :     yes, very complicated ….
yasu      :     a complicated Inspector, that’s not good noi_chan …
noi         :     ah ya, talking about Inspector Himura, do you know if some people do  think i am really a police
yasu      :    after that Charles Bronson post, マジで   …?



Finally Post : Acid Black Cherry 19th Single 「INCUBUS」.. !!! (Another me, yasu and This Euphoria)

Finally …..

after the boring waiting and waiting like a fangirl always do (at least me …. ヽ(•‿•)ノ ), finally they alowed us to see the details for  …..

Acid Black Cherry’s Upcoming  New SINGLE


Title                :  INCUBUS
Release Date :  October 22nd, 2014 (Wednesday)

■【CD+DVD】〈1st Press Limited Edition〉 

Item no.   :  AVCD-32238/B 1,600 yen + tax

[Track List]

2. CLOUDY HEART(“LAST GIGS” ver.)【Recreation Track】


2.OFF SHOOT (Approximately 15 minutes )

■ 【CD ONLY】〈Regular Edition〉

Item no.  :   AVCD-32239 1,000 yen +tax

[Track List]

2. CLOUDY HEART(“LAST GIGS” ver.)【Recreation Track】

Bonus     :   Limited mini photobook

■ Special Price (1 song)

【CD ONLY】〈Limited Edition〉
Item no   :   AVCD-32240 369 yen +tax

[Track List]


Bonus    :   1 ABC trading card (from all 4 complete series)

Pre-Order Period

August, 22nd (Friday)18:00 〜 October 10th, 2014 (Thursday) 5:00 AM (JST)

~ Janne Da Arc Official Fanclub 「Mademoiselle na anatatachi 」 members

via here   :   http://upriseshop.jp/ (VIP Members Only)


CD+DVD Limited Edition : Calendar Postcard   (2014.10月~2015.3月) Type A
CD Regular Edition :  Calendar Postcard (2014.10月~2015.3月) Type B

~ Janne Da Arc Official mobile site members

Official mobile site : http://jannedaarc.jp/
1 mini clear file

~ mu-mo shop

PC       : http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?artist_id=ACIDB
mobile : http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?artist_id=ACIDB

It’s Japan Only, which mean you have to use proxy/middle man in Japan to buy for you

~ mu-mo overseas sale site (where they will lead you to use Tenso.com)

PC       : http://shop.mu-mo.net/avx/sv/list1?jsiteid=MSW&categ_id=661806
mobile : http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/avx/sv/list1?jsiteid=MSW&categ_id=661806
1 Original sticker

~    CDJapan   :   CD + DVDCD OnlySpecial Price
~    HMV          :   CD + DVDCD OnlySpecial Price
~    YesAsia     :   CD + DVDCD OnlySpecial Price

PS    :   From CDJapan, there will be a B4 size poster bonus for CD + DVD and  CD Only

calendar post card bonus is 2014.10月~2015.3月, then suppose on 2015.4月 there will be another new single release ….?

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yasu       :      eeh …..
noi          :      just sayin eh, then suppose  …
yasu       :      suppose what  ….
noi          :      ah, nothing

Since they (read  : team_ABC) posted the details, then this something i’d say as 「INCUBUS」 euphoria is all over the net. Everyone talk and posted it on their Social Networks.

As what excite.co.jp tweet_ed on their Official twitter,


Acid Black Cherry‘s new single title 「INCUBUS」 is top of HOT words on twitter (read : in japan, i suppose). As HOT as yasu himself ne and indeed, yasu always managed to make something trending ….

now let’s talk about this can’t wait Acid Black Cherry new single eh ….

1.    The single title  「INCUBUS」… !!!

yes,  it’s 「INCUBUS」 and i am sure all of you already search or ask to GOOGLE and Wikipedia about what the hell 「INCUBUS」 is.

As what Wikipedia says,

an 「INCUBUS」 is a male form demon who according mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to engage in sexual activity with them.

And the same as human, there’s also a female version of this demon called as 「SUCCUBUS」.

The first time  i read about yasu‘s new single title is 「INCUBUS」, indeed it surprised me because here in my village 「INCUBUS」 is a vey common demon to talk about since there’s so many spooky case happened involved them.

But in here, we call it as Genderuwo.

Known for their ability to change their look like somebody, especially somebody’s husband so they can have a sex with the wife when the real husband is away.

for example, this kinda of case is often happen here in my village

There’s a young couple husband and wife who had married for aboout 3 years. The husband is handsome, and the wife is beautiful.

yeah, you know that kind of couple that will make people who see/look at them jealous and blame how unfair the univerese is.

The husband, is a man who work out of town so he never at home except on weekends. Not only that, he also always came back home at a very late night thank to how far his office is.

One day, the wife got surprised by a knocking on the front door at 11:00 PM. We believe 11:00 PM is the time where all demons male and female start to hang around.

She opened the door and it was her husband.

She said to him    :    is there anyting happen Hun, you came home very early tonight …
The “Husband”    :     nothing, i just wanna see you
The wife              :     ああ〜〜

then they hug each other, went to their room and had sex


yasu     :   just like that, cam home, went to their room and had sex ….?
noi        :   what, do i have to put details of their before sex …?
yasu     :   i think your readers want details
noi        :   well, i’ll put the sex details after i had one.

Then the next morning, the wife came up late and found her husband already have breakfast at the kitchen. She came to him, with a sexy Black Cat move put her lips next to his ear …

whispering     :     Hun, you totally WONDERFUL last night …
the husband  :     what …
the wife          :    you know what i am talking about, our last night eh …
the husband  :     what are you talking about, last night? i just came back home at 04:00 AM in the morning …
the wife          :     then who …
the hudband  :     what, what happened darling ….?

She didn’t say anything and started to cry like hell was drooped off from the say to their house that day. It confused her husband because he think his wife cryin because he came home late and he didn’t tell her before.

so that sad scene in the morning closed with the wife nonstop cryin and the husband keep sayin I am so sorry darling ….!!! over and over again

PS     :   Hun is for Hunny/Honey


yasu     :    noi_chan, is that from one of your movies …?
noi        :   of course not, it’s a story told from people here …
yasu     :    really , did they told you …
noi        :    i mean they told my mom and my mom told me … >_<

it started for their housemaid who told her fellow housemaid best friend and then that the fellow housemaid told her master, her master told her bestfriend, … etc etc finally reached my mother, Her Majesty The Drama Queen.

Even she is not as healthy as she was before now, but she is still The Queenn among those Love Gossip Ladies

Like Lady Violet Crawley ( The Dowager Countess of Grantham on Dontown Abey) , my mother not very fond of 2nd handed news and she never get one because there’s always somebody comin to her and tell her anything happen in here everyday .

see talking is what people in a small village do ne.

even they do have telly, but sometimes telly is a bit boring for them. So they all tend to hang around to somebody’s home or at the corner of the street and start talking. Talking about what ….?

about anything eh …

so that’s what an 「INCUBUS」do here in my village, the same victim and MO. pick a pretty wife who always left alone at home because her husband work is out of town.

That’s why in here we always ask our family member to wash their face, hands and legs before they enter the house after work. because that demon always avoid water.

But not only that, some people with highly spiritual ability also have an 「INCUBUS」 to keep their house or land save. I mean instead of having a dog or hire some security guard, the have  something invisible like 「INCUBUS」 to do that.

My late next door had one, he was a land lord and he never put fence or security guard on his lands but nobody dare to steal from his lands because there’s something invicible there watching.

One man tried but he ended crazy and he came back to his sense afer ask forgiveness from the land owner for tryin to steal his fish.

Now after see the all 3 Jacket Cover of 「INCUBUS」 my fave is of course the CD Only Cover that somehow  they kinda like make it as …

The Blond version of 少女の祈り III  ….?


credit  :   @lam azusa

it is time for me to feel and say lots of can’t wait ….!!! to listen to the song and see the PV.  Blimey, but i started to imagine the PV will have the same old theme like the CD + DVD Limited Edition Jacket Cover


plus yasu with a black suit complete with a hat like that, OMG that must be awesome eh, complete with a sexy song like Black Cherry maybe?   Thanks to the single title and what the meaning to it.

Not only that,  the Recreation Track is …

2.  CLOUDY HEART from BOOWY … !!!


i suppose my brain now is full of my silly imaginations about how’s 「INCUBUS」 will be.  But i say again, finally …. !!!

finally after in so many interviews and answering Q&A in Meeting or Radio Shows, yasu always talk about BOOWY and Kyosuke Himuro_san as his personal influence that inspired him to start a livin as a bandman.

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And i suppose we all in this Acid Black Cherry division in Fandom world know that as well as we all know the fact about Akechi Mitsuhide is the one who killed Oda Nobunaga on History.

OK, what i am going to say is how BOOWY is always connected to Acid Black Cherry in many ways.  I think some of you who’s not 80′ generation already started to listening to BOOWY after listen about many times …

another yasu and BOOWY‘s stories from yasu …. #nyaaa !!! *got a massive kicks*

and now when yasu finally decided to cover one of BOOWY‘s song for this next single’s Recreation Track, i feel like yasu kinda want to show us this is one of BOOWY‘s song, band that he keep talking about.

especially fo some lazy fans like me, who never at least try to listen bands that his idol’s talking about. Same thing with DEAD END, i also clueless about BOOWY and again this time yasu will enlighted me about BOOWY

Yes, i do read a alot about yasu‘s talking about BOOWY but haha yeah i never try to listen to it or find it on YouTube.

Now i feel like yasu kinda say to me …

ノイちゃん  聞いて、聞いて 。。。!!


noi        :    of course you’ll say that in a sexy way ….  xD
yasu     :    what did you say ….
noi        :    you do talk a lot about it eh …
yasu     :    no, no after that  ….
noi        :    OMG  gotta go naw someone posted a-nation videos on YT  #kyaa  …!!!

~ owari~


眠りない …. !!! Post : 「Shangri-la Meeting」 ~ Oita … (Another me, yasu and Charles Bronson)

ええー 。。。。

I am sayin lots of that 「ええー 。。。。」 recently, not because the disappointed feelings but i’d say it was because finally i’ve got the answer for my BIG Questions plus with those BIG Problems that will come in this season.

This forever summer season in here that make everyday hot as ever.

Things happened last week and until now we still haven’t find the solution because dealing with people who use society for their own personal issue.

and it affected to all of us, all people who live around here and do their living in here. I spent my days these week listening to all those people sayin, opinions about what we supposed to do with lots of meeting with no clear way out to deal it.

and it turned me to be chatty as hell in public recently.

As a person who do more monologue than dialogue, i always avoid to talk in public. And now when i have to do it, it turned out to be so hard to do eh because i am not sure they all understand what i was talking about, how it is supposed to be in my opinion.

Now i understand why yasu still sayin about nervous feeling he had during 「Shangri-la Meeting」.  I used to say …

eeh, really?

whenever i read about yasu felt nervous during Public Recording because i thought he is a public figure eh, so i suppose he must have dealing with all nervous feeling a long time ago …

now i give my TWO THUMBS UP to you my darling, regarded to all those talk you did on「Shangri-la Meeting」 all over Japan.

yasu      :    see what i mean now
noi         :    はい、わかりました …
yasu      :    you talked to who …?
noi         :    bunch of people. But in fact, i am not even sure they were listening to what all things i said.
yasu      :    they ignored you ?

What can i say eh,

after all,l things connected with money and people living is always not easy to handle because we are talking about bunch of people’s live and what they do for their living.

That unlike me, who still get a monthly salary they are different. As people who work using their muscle not brain they only get paid if they do their work, if they don’t then no money for them.

So what about their wife and children who’s waiting them at home? waiting for her husband, their daddy to come home with what else but money ….

yes, money it’s all about the money

I read a lot about people sayin about how money will never buy happiness. No offense eh, but for me personally that’s totally bullshit … !!!

Because people who say that, mostly are rich people children’s who don’t have to work their asses hard to make some money so they are free to talk about money that way.

Yes, money can’t buy your happiness, but  your parents credit card will do buy eh …?


yasu    :    hey noi_chan, what’s wrong with you …?
noi       :    i dunno …
yasu    :    did he dumped you again  …
noi        :   no, not really  ..
yasu     :   but he did ignore you ….

yeah, something like that …

OK, i’ll start this post with my 「Shangri-la」 Fangirl Homeworks ne. since i am so left behind. I mean  Project  「Shangri-la 」 ended months ago but thanks for how busy ( or you may say lazy ….xD) i am now i am still finishing 5th SEASON eh …

so i guess this Glamorous Sky – English ver. by HYDE is a perfect song for me tonight.

i am always left, away to go … !!!

so before i became more left away to go again, let’s begin this Whatsoever Fangirl Homework i made for and push myself to work on it.

This time is for this …

~      「Shangri-la Meeting」 ~ Oita

After succesfully completed Project 『Shangri-la』 in Shikoku, Acid Black Cherry landed to Kyushu. 5th Season finally entered Kyushu and the 1st is Oita Prefecture. On the 2nd day of April, 2014 「Shangri-la Meeting」 was held in Oita Prefecture. …


yasu      :     now, there’s a date …
noi         :     i suppose i have to put it
yasu      :     why …
noi         :     because it is Another Very Late Post eh, what else …

yasu      :     lazy … ?

It was the fist time for Acid Black Cherry came to Oita. And  as a matter of fact Oita was a city with connection to yasu, since his mother is from Oita.

「Shangri-la Meeting」 in Oita, a Public Recording with FM Oita started with this question from the MC

yasu_san, have you come to Oita several time?

Answer    :

no, we don’t come here much again.

Here (Oita) is my mother’s hometown, so when i was Elementary School, i often came here. This time i came here by train, but i had always came here by ferry.

So rather than Oita Station, i am more familiar with the harbour.


So as for the specialties of Oita, of course will meet Kabusu and Shiitake mushroom?

When i was child i really hate Shiitake mushroom. It often came out on grandmama’s house, but no child would have it right ?

I hated it, but now i love it (laugh)

and also mackerel, isn’t it? I also think about famous for hot springs. But as a child i always run in the mountain.

And my grandmama also kept a cow, it was a black beef cattle.

By the start of Project 『Shangri-la』 ~ Kyushu ・Okinawa district, next talk was about the impressions about all town that he already came around for this Project from 1st ~ 5th Season.

Followed by a question from the audience about how hard is to live alone and ask yasu what is he taking care by livin alone.

And his answered is by sayin how he enjoyed his first time to livin alone and the same problem that livin alone people deal is daily trash/garbage.

Then last is the specialties and dialect corner where yasu learned about Oita‘s dialect from the audience and apparently he was quite good.

next is ….

~   Acid Black Cherry表紙のCD&DLでーた2014年9-10月号

as you all know yasu is on the cover of September – October edition of CD&DL Data magazine. Not only that, they also gave a bonus poster of him (read : yasu).

OMG look at him, radiant as always eh …..

And what happened to the previous Arena Live Magazine (with yasu as the cover) happened again for this September – October edition of CD&DL Data magazine. I saw some fans didn’t managed to get it from their local bookstore or konbini like 7/11.

Then i checked on my fave (read : my common) on-line shop like CD Japan, HMV, YesAsia and even ebten it was also out of print. Even there’s still some that hey said as used but still in perfect condition on Amazon Japan for ¥ 1,989

I got that Out Of Print on my PC screen from CD Japan for my last Arena Live Magazine because something happened to my CC, so i have to buy on another store (Japan Only) which mean i couldn’t use my points and still had to use proxy and of course pay the proxy fee,

now my question is …

Why the hell CD Japan is always slow if about CD&DL Data Magazine….?

and of course this time i won’t that happened to me again so i asked my friend ( the one whom now i really enjoyed to bothered with my spam Javanese talk on twitter) to ordered it from HMV because CD Japan took forever to open their pe-order.

~    An Update from Team_ABC


yes i do wondering a lot what the hell is yasu doing right now, sp blimey …. !!!

wondering while keep waiting is what a fangirl will always do.

Wondering about when did he will give us at least a little clue about how’s the new single is gonna sounds like, how’s the cover … etc etc and many more.

finally yesterday Team_ABC updated The Official Blog and told us …

1.  what yasu was doing these days.  ….




as the man say ….

Recording the single again, today
so please wait


and they (read : 【Team Acid Black Cherry】) also told about the small earthquake happened in Kanto area and informed if our man (read : yasu) is okay.

When the small earthquake happened, he was inside elevator but  nothing happened to the elevator so he can go to the floor that he was going to ….

yasu is fine, よかったね ….


yasu     :     noi_chan, tell me.
noi        :     what …
yasu     :     you don’t even know if there’s small earthquake happened right …?
noi        :     omo ya_san, how did you know …

yes, i had no idea if there was small earthquake happened in Kanto area and now i knew it thanks to 【Team Acid Black Cherry】 post on The Official Blog.
But whether if i (or maybe some of you) know about it or not, the important thing is yasu is fine now and still doing recording for the new single.

aaah, there’s some orchestra involved eh …… *start to play Shangri – La*

2.  08.29.2014 a-nation Stadium fes.

a-nation 2014 stadium fes.0829
チャンネル  :  フジテレビNEXT
放送日時    :  2014年9月27日(土)19:00~21:00

informed that a-nation stadium fes 08.29 will be aired on Fuji TV – NEXT, Sunday, September 29th 2014 at 19:00 ~ 21:00 JST.

They also show about how to watch it, but as always, i think it is Japan Only.

I  also not sure if we can watch it on KeyHole TV ne, because even there’s Fuji TV channel there (mine channel 18) but that’s Fuji TV only right, not the Fuji TV – NEXT.


even though there’s some streaming media for Fuji TV – NEXT, but it’s OFFLINE and again i am not sure it will be ONLINE again especially now we are talking about Acid Black Cherry that somehow it’s always a little bit hard to get if we compared to other fandom.

Remember when they cut Acid Black Cherry part for a- nation’s Live Viewing? ….


noi        :     please don’t say that words, not tonight
yasu     :     what words …
noi        :     not tonight
yasu     :     poor noi_chan .. !!
noi        :    now you said it, i am talking about that words

Now, the only option left for a lazy fangirl with a slow as Capt. Slow internet connection like me is nothing but hoping somebody will record and share it somewhere …

and you, if some of you have a plan to do that, please do tell me OK and i will owe you forever just like how Jim Moriarty owe SHERLOCK HOLMES …. !!!


yasu     :    then what, gonna watch it together?
noi        :    and have some tea ne, you know SHERLOCK and Jim also had tea together …
yasu     :    what the   …
noi        :    that would be lovely 

3.   JSBN WEB –   Cover Interview “Acid Black Cherry”


image (1)

you can read it in here :   http://jsbn.gr.jp/2014/09/08/cover-interview-acid-black-cherry/

next  is ….

~    This Whatsoever Update from Me …

this time is for …

The rest of 4th Season 『 Shangri-la 』 PHOTOBOOK


and the beginning of  5th Season 『 Shangri-la 』PHOTOBOOK is



Enjoii ….!!

and next is …

this something that i think i have to post it in here along time ago, not by replying some private messages  …

For all of you who read my blogs, i am sure you all know how my way of writing here. Yes i am talking about how i put some dialogue between yasu and noi_chan that actually it is a monologue from the crazy woman who wrote it.

I know by writing that thing that supposed to be something that You Don’t Ask, I Don’t Tell, but You Have to Know Just by Reading, will ruin a fantasy for some of you.

I know it happen to some of you who read my blogs because some of you were send me messages and asked about it. And when i told the truth, i know i just ruined their 2 almost 3 years fantasies just by the way they wrote me back.

I am really sorry for that ….

So i suppose it is better for me to say it here, the 3 main fact about this blog that you have to aware …

1.   All those dialogue, actually is a monologue, because
2.   I never and will never talk or have some chit chat with yasu, and last but not least is ..
3.   yasu, he doesn’t speak English.


Actually this is kinda bit funny for me to think about eh, somehow it remind me to Khaleed Hosseini’s book : The Kite Runner which is one of my fave book.


If you already read that book, surely you know how they both love Charles Bronson thanks to how many times they watch him on The Magnificent Seven.

And when Amir‘s father went to Iran, Amir and Hassan asked him to take them along because they want to meet Charles Bronson


Apparently, they thought Charles Bronson is an Iranian thanks to The Magnificent Seven movie that they always watch in the cinema is dubbed in Iranian language.

FYI this movie The Magnificent Seven is an old American movie,1960 exactly. And this movie is a re-make (or an American version …? ) of Akira Kurosawa‘s 1954 Seven Samurai.

Aaand don’t say you are a fans of cowboy movie if you haven’t see this movie. Because for me this movie as what the title say is magnificent just like the original version.

Hello everyone, we are talking about Charles Bronson and how perfect he was with the axe  …. !!!


Ah ya, back to The Kite Runner book I’d say that’s my fave part ne, and now there’s some of my readers


yasu       :    your what ….
noi          :    readers eh, not leader …
yasu       :    yeah, right …
noi          :    since i am the writer eh …

i repeat …

I’d say the part when Amir and Hassan thought if is Charles Bronson is an Iranian because he is speaking Iranian in the movie is my fave part ne, and now there’s some of my readers who really think yasu is talking in English just because i wrote this blog in English

Trust me, i really want to wrote that dialogue in Japanese but since my Japanese isn’t that good i am afraid it will change what i was really mean.

So everyone, yes yasu doesn’t speak in English, and …

even at sometime later he finally able to speak English fluently, i am sure he will not talk that too much telly influence way of talking like to noi_chan in here.

Then last but not least this is something that really bother me until today …


I know i often wrote something like that because it’s funny eh. Some situation that lead noi_chan to talk about movie and then yasu will say how boring is that …. etc etc.

Yeah, i think that was funny and it is true.

I am a movie freaks with nothing to be happy but watching movies and eat instant noodles on holidays.

But not funny when that dialogue/monologue came to happen in my real life. So during a must have been lovely conversation with somebody, i suddenly talk too much about movie and i got this reply ….

noi_chan, もういい よ …. !!!

same reply with what i wrote on my blog how yasu will say if noi_chan talk too much about movie.

Again, that’s not funny anymore, because …

it hurt me somehow …


yasu     :     which part of you get hurt ….?
noi        :      ここに, 僕の心, …
yasu     :      僕 …?
noi        :      eh no, i mean 私の心 … .
yasu     :      i told you ne, don’t talk movie with him
noi        :     then, do tell me, what should i do now

~ owari ~

A Bit Stupid Post : 「Shangri-la 」 Live ~ Kagawa … (Another me, yasu and 「ポテトとトマトの愛の物語」.. ♪)


I am totally lazy/stupid for these recent weeks …

It’s not because i had nothing to do, trust me still do have lots of things to do but with all those lots of things i had, have and still have to do just make me lazy to do anything.

Me, back at the same me last year.

Do the same thing everyday, being a night person by go to bed after midnight and wake up in the morning go to work with a face and walk like a zombie.


Can you all imagine that?

i said how i hate zombies because zombie is dummy, i don’t even watch or at least get in to the euphoria of The Walking Dead and whenever i am mad or a little bit stressed, i let it go by killing zombies on my games …

Now i became one of the zombie every morning … ?


yasu     :     you do now ….?
noi        :     yes, look at me …
yasu     :     hmm, is this gonna be a long post …?
noi        :     i think so  …

so let’s start this post this A Little bit (read : 6 Days) Late to say ….

~   Hello there September …. !!!


After a very busy August with lots of works that almost buried me alive now finally September is coming complete with lots of wonderful things that i wanna do.  As what Vina Panduwinata (she is a legend Indonesian singer) always say with her song

September Ceria

about how wonderful and lovely is September, indeed September this year should be wonderful and lovely as well because …

#    Ruroni Kenshin : Kyoto Inferno in Indonesia’s cinemas …


of course i want to see it as well even it means i have to go to Jakarta because it only available on Blitz Cinemas.


not only because i want to see My Dear Brother Kenshin on a BIG cinema screen, but  i also want to hear Mighty Long Fall played in a HD Sound in a cinema theater.

wah, that must be awesome eh ….

and then …

~     A Tired but must be a very Nice Trip to Osaka next week …

Commisioner Vijay wants to go to Osaka next week to deal with something and a family trip as well.

And at the first moment i hear about his plan i raised my both hand as high as i can ask him to let me go with him …

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yasu     :      like this ….?
noi        :      no, that’s raising hands, not waving eh or counting ….?
yasu     :      then like what …
noi        :      i raised my hands higher than all Titanic passenger’s SOS for help …
yasu    :       what the …

while sayin, take me with you sir,  i’ll be a good girl and be your free translator … etc etc with all the good things i promised will do there so he wouldn’t do anything but relax and have fun trip with his family after …

At the beginning,

he said   :    no, no Moi. This is Osaka, not Tokyo
me          :    then what with Osaka ..?
him         :    there’s no yasu in Osaka
me          :    OMG, did i ever tell you if yasu is from Osaka …?

so apparently from all things about yasu ramblings i said to him was not included the fact that yasu is from Osaka ….. xD

Okay, okay you all can say i just had my biggest failed as someone who declared herself as A Fulltime Fangirl of Acid Black Cherry but forgot to put the fact if yasu is from Osaka in all my ABC invasion (read : crazy woman’s rambling) ..

I feel like i just got a massive slap from the whole fandom ….


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noi      :    sorry luv, mission not accomplished …
yasu   :    what kind of Fulltime Famgirl are you ?
noi      :    but almost full like : 4/5 time, is it OK …?
yasu   :    no, not OK

Me, i always like do things like that.

Not only on make the non-ABC fans friends on my Facebook bored with all my things about yasu but in fact, i also do that in my real life.

Aaand believe me,  i love when in the middle of conversation (especially, the boring one …xD) i suddenly say something like this  …

Btw guys, do you know if  yasu also watch Discovery Channel ….. ?

and many else more until they all sayin, OK OK and then leave me alone then they all look at me with their  kind of “ええ〜〜 what the ..? “ face like this  …. xD



I just love to do that, because  there’s time when i feel that my rambling about yasu this and that kinda became my secret weapon to make people that bothered me to leave me alone.

Ah ya, back to the topic eh ….

So i waited and hoped to able to do that 2 wonderful things on this Wonderful September, because i also had plan about going to ONE OK ROCK Live at Yokohama Stadium to see this

Baby Stroberry Taka   …xD


omo, what with that face …..

but still God said no again to me. Just like how God said BIG NO to me September last year when i made a trip to Hokkaido.

Just like that, things happened again this year. I had to cancel all of it because i don’t have time to do it and also now Her Majesty needs me more than before. So what can i do but make this kinda

Note to myself …

Stay home, work hard, lock yourself at home and don’t make any plans to do on September again, because it is gonna fail anyway.

And yasu, please do wake me up when September is over  …


yasu      :    how old you are noi_chan …?
noi         :     53 years, very old eh
yasu      :    and do i look like your nanny …
noi         :    of course not
yasu      :    just finish this post hurry …

OK now, let’s continue this whatsoever Fangirl Homework for myself. And this time is for …

~    「Shangri-la 」 Live  ~ Kagawa

Kagawa is the last prefecture of Shikoku block in this 5th SEASON Acid Black Cherry ‘s Project 『Shangri-la』 and on the previous day, 「Shangri-la Meeting」 in Kagawa was held.

For this live in Kagawa, was the first live performance after the previous two years ago at the same venue. Doing a live performance at the same venue (at Sunport Hall Takamatsu) of course it revived some memories for yasu.


that day, when they did 「Shangri-la 」 Live in Kagawa it was also Junji‘s birthday and they were able to celebrate it with the audience in Kagawa.

Talking about Junji, i’d say he is yasu‘s stretching mate.


i believe you all see how often they did that whatsoever stretching toghether on DVD offshoots …

And back to 「Shangri-la 」 Live in Kagawa post, as always, they (you know who …) started with …

♪  the annual Local Gourmet Introduction corner

With so many local gourmet tought in the previous 「Shangri-la Meeting」yasu had waiting for all of it. And these were waiting for yasu at the Kagawa Live venue …

~   「豚の冷しゃぶ 野菜添え」/ 「Pork Reishabu/ Cold Pork Shabu Shabu, served with vegetables」
~   「チンジャオロース」/「Chinjaoroosu」/「Green Pepper Steak」,

it is a stir-fried Chinese American dish of sliced beef steak ( flank, sirloin, etc) cooked with sliced green or red bell peppers and other seasonings such as soy sauce and ginger, and usually thickened with cornstarch.

Sliced onions and bean sprouts are also usually added.

~  「ほうれん草のゴマ和え」/「Hōrensō no goma-ae」/「Cold Spinach Salad」
~  Vegetable salad,
~  Miso soup with pork and vegetables …


of course speaking of Kagawa


it’s Udon, the unique stifness of Sanuki Udon

after meal, everyone (yasu and the support members) are full of smiles from the dressing room to the stage.

Btw yasu also did some check at the backstage in Kagawa.


Eh God,

i love when he did that kind of checking eh,

but too bad i dunno why they (read : 【TEAM Acid Black Cherry】) didn’t purt some picture of yasu do checking at the backstage like what they used to do when they started to post all those 「Shangri-la 」 Live reports/post on The Official Blog.


yasu      :    hey fangirl, are you sure i did that checking after meal?
noi         :    i dunno …
yasu      :    you don’t know …?
noi         :    yeah ya_san, because there’s no before or after meal description on the magazine about it …
yasu      :    what did they say …
noi         :    they only say ….


香川で の LIVE日! 楽屋からステージまで、 笑顔あふれる   四国ラスト公演でした!


yasu       :    did you copy paste that …?
noi          :    no ya_san, this time i really read that magazine. I told you ne, i am so CHANGEABLE  ….!!!
yasu       :   本当に?
noi          :   本当だよ 。。。!!

and they (read : yasu and the support members) also did some …


♪  talks in the dressing room


This time they were talking about this Kagawa‘s gourmet …

「鳥の骨付き肉」/ 「bird version of bone-in meat」

that apparently served by the catering when they did Live in Kagawa last year.  And then, for some reason the topic changed into talk about Potato and croquettes ….

ええ〜〜、ポテト …..?


yasu     :     ジャガイモ …
noi        :    ah ya that’s what i mean, nah talking about ポテト ね …
yasu     :     どう …
noi        :     じゃ、「ポテトとトマトの愛の物語」 聞いて ください 。。。
yasu     :     ノイ_ちゃん、 もういい ね…. *bored*


i am sure you all know about this Love Story between Potato and Tomato from 9GAG



so let me write the drama version of mine for you all …

On a bright and sunny summer 2012, a potato meet a tomato online  and they both feel something that a human will call it as Love at The First Sight.

They have a crush each other but they also aware about how different they are. But it didn’t let them down, so potato ask tomato to wait while she is going somewhere and back as a nice hot and crispy french fries.

And while waiting for potato to came back, tomato also thinkin about what he can do so they can be together. Then when potato back to him as a nice hot and crispy french fries, he had an idea to turn himself into a handy and easy to use tomato sauce


then there you are as you all see now they are as a perfect couple so they can join burger together.

Just like what they wrote there, there’s no perfect couple at the beginning, so there’s things that they (and all of us) have to do to make us and our someone as a perfect couple be together with the burger

Why do i am talking about this now?


Not because how i love to see yasu eat that BIG burger like that,  because the fact is i love to see yasu eating anything

including eat me if he want to …xD


yasu       :       i am not gonna eat you  ….
noi          :       calm down, 冗談だ よ 。。。!!!
yasu       :       not funny …
noi          :       well …

It’s because there’s somebody who call me potato, and i suppose (read :  i hope …. xD) he also call himself as tomato. So in this case i am the potato and he is the tomato.

But as you know, i never take anything seriously.

Including this whatsoever thing i have with that Tomato Boy now. But dunno why suddenly our always bluffing and not serious conversation we always do, changed into serious.

It started when …

i said to him     :     i wish you are not a Japanese
him                    :     and i also wish you are a Japanese …

then i was like fallin on my bed like this …..

after that,

instead took us into DEAD END, it made everything changed into more serious now. He doesn’t have to say, but thanks to so many dorama i watch, i know the different.

I mean how he start to talk to me in a different way, from a boy’s talk into a man’s way talk to a woman ….

ah you know what i mean and somehow it bothered me.

I wonder is it okay? i mean if i still continue to follow whatever things he is on to me now. Because honestly i prefer if we both back to what we were both before unlike now.

We used to have lots of fun together ne, there’s no some silly fight followed with lots of interrogations that sometimes confused me and make ask to God

eh God, why he is younger than me …..?

I know there’s lots of love story like that happened on my dramas, but it’s a real life ne not a drama. And of course it’s forever okay for him to ask me what i did to day as part of his curious

but i am very bad to take part on things like this, and don’t ask me why.

And surely i gave them both (read : Potato and Tomato) 2 thumbs UP for what they did so they can be together. But it’s a very hard to do eh. Imagine ne, to slice myself and then jump into a frying pan like that.

of course it’s not i literally will slice myself into pieces and jump into a frying pan … xD

what i am sayin is there’s lots of things to do and think about if i want to be with him, together next to the burger as a perfect package on a McD table

see what i mean, it’s not easy ne.

that’s why i want both of us back to be as comfy as we were before and if there’s a chance for us to join burger on a McD table in the future,

at least there’s no strings attached between us   ….

BvtdATZCYAACxdd.jpg large

yasu       :      eh noi_chan, don’t tell me …
noi          :      what …
yasu       :      バーガーは、だれ 。。。。?
noi          :      あなたです… ….

yasu       :       WHAATT ….!!!
noi          :       ah come on ya_san, i am the potato, he is the tomato, you are the burger and McD is Japan  …
yasu       :       how could you …
noi          :       yes, i  can because who knows we can go to see ABC Live together.

一緒に eh, together …

yasu      :       but you said he is not ABC Fan
noi         :       it doesn’t have to be an ABC Fan to go to see ABC Live with me ne
yasu      :       A burger, really noi_chan ….??

and then the question selected on ….


♪  the Question Corner is …


An episode of your 1st meet with a musician that you are longed-for, を教えてください … !!!

and yasu‘s answer is …

Of course HYDE and also Kyosuke Himuro, but he also said i haven’t meet Kyosuke Himuro_san yet.

So yasu‘s first meet with HYDE was in ASAKASA Blitz live when he started his solo. First said hello in ther dressing room there and he gave HYDE his own CD and HYDE said to him   Thank you, i’ve seen you on TV …

And also MORRIE because DEAD END is the band that inspired him. They even had interview together on magazine and telly  …


And now sohow i feel this something what people say about  ..

There’s always another sky beyond that blue sky we all see everyday.

How a musician that we all adore and long for also have their own sky (read : their own longed for musician). That’s so sweet eh, imagine about how yasu also might feel the same happy and doki doki like we all do feel whenever meet his fave inspired musician.

But i wonder does he feel the same can’t wait on this time like this ?

On a time when he is gonna release a new single and i am totally curious and can’t wait about what the person (read : yasu) that i adore will have for me for his upcoming single for me. What’s the title, how is gonna be like  …. etc etc so many things that i can’t wait to find out

enough about that, then next is ….

♪  the SexList …

03/30 Tour  『Shangri-la』 Sunport Hall Takamatsu


01. I’m not a ghost
02. Rakuen

03. Kuroneko ~Adult Black Cat~
04. Tsumi to Batsu  ~Kamisama no Alibi~
05. scar
06. Greed Greed Greed

07. Nemuri Hime
08. KImi ga Inai、ano hi kara…

10. cord name【JUSTICE】
11. Shojo no Inori Ⅲ
12. Shojo no Inori
13. 20+∞Century Boys


14. Black Cherry (request)
15. SPELL MAGIC (request)
16. Pistol
17. Shangri – La

then next is my fave part ….

♪  the Kewpie …


credit  : @Yasuの女


aaand ….

I don’t have it …. xD

Well because of that a quite long 「ポテトとトマトの愛の物語」 , i think i have to delay the next episode of my Japan trip report.  It’s a bit boring anyway because full of my complain about the hotel i stayed there and how cold was Osaka.

so next it will be only  ….

~   This Whatsoever Update for me …

still from 4th SEASON 「Shangri – La 」 PHOTOBOOK ,  this time is for …

Live Digest Gunma – Tokyo




from ARENA LIVE 2014年8月号 …

Acid Black Cherry :  Project 『Shangri-la』 Final Season06.15 国立代々木競技場第一体育館




and last is from

7 ぴあ 2014年8月号


so enjoiii ….!!!

Last but not least is ….

This is kinda embarrassing eh, but thanks to her know i found out if i know nothing about something called love and relationship stuffs. That’s why i always choose to be a listener than be someone who will say something or give an opinion about it.

I usualy talk about this with my Cherry Sista, about stuffs like this, especially Moni. Because as i said before Moni always know what to say to me and in some way open my eyes.

But last week suddenly a fellow Acid Black Cherry fans asked me something about relationship and how to move on from somebody.

OMG can you believe that?


~   call somebody who knows nothing about love and relationship like me as senpai,
~   she also ask for one Acid Black Cherry song that perfect to ask somebody to back to her again.

and i answer her  …

what about this song, Aitai …?


she replied me …

but senpai, on that song story he is dead isn’t he …?



i totally forget if the anata on that song is missed because he is dead, not leavin her for someone else.

Then not only that …

~  she also asked about how to move on from lovin someone to me, a person who is still like this (you all know what i mean),

Then what should i say ne, because i know nothing and i am still on my way to move-on ne.

So i hope no one ask me about something about that again. I prefer people to ask me about yasu or Acid Black Cherry stuffs or join my crazy worshiping about him because for me ….

Define 「かわいい 。。。」?


noi       :    あなたです… ….
yasu    :    Define 「Love  。。。」?
noi       :    nah, now you tell me …
yasu    :    ehh ….

~ owari~

Sunday Post : ABC New Single 2014年10月22日 … (Another me, yasu and The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge)


Expect The Unexpected Things eh ….


That’s what i am gonna say about Acid Black Cherry‘s upcoming New Single and my feelings right now.

Even i did think about yasu will release his next new things on October because how the calendar bonus from the previous single 「君がいない、あの日から 。。。」 only ended on September,


but i was thinking about a 「Shangri – La 」 Live DVD to be release soon after he finished his nation-wide 「Shangri – La 」 Tour

and after waiting, waiting and post some ramblings like a little boy who ask oneWilly Wonka Chocolate to his wacky mommy,

now we all know instead of releasing a DVD, yasu decided to released a New Single, everyone  …. !!!

ああ〜〜、びっくりましたね …. (^_^;)


yasu     :    a wrong deduction ne, Inspector
noi        :    well ….
yasu     :    somebody is getting slow now …
noi        :    i know, but at least i am still the Inspector tho  …
yasu     :     what the ..

ah ya, talking about Inspector Himura ne …

last week somehow i kinda jumped into talking on my friend from college’s status on her Facebook. Actually she is one of only 3 person of my college friend that i added on Facebook.

I told you ne, about how i don’t like to mix my fangirling things that i am doing onFacebook with my personal life.

nah because i was there added comments and involved to their quite long conversation and then one of them suggested to everyone else from my class to added me on their Facebook.

So that day i got more than 38 Friend Request on Facebook and all of them are my college friend.

I approved some of them that i think they wouldn’t mind about me spamming aboutyasu appeared on their Facebook Home Page, and said to them …

hey fellas, from now on …
in Facebook you all have to call me Inspector Himura OK …. !!!

and they all approved ne …xD

for the others,  because i am not sure about them will be OK with my spamming about yasu everyday and not only that, i also didn’t know them too much thanks to how invisible i was during my college time. So  i decided to ignored them, just like what Yukki told me.

After all i couldn’t say now and ignored some of them ne …

yasu     :     なんで 。。。?
noi        :     あたしの元彼ん だよ…
yasu     :     what the …
noi        :     so how can i ignored him?

so yeah now whenever i open my Facebook Home Page, i feel nothing but lots of nostalgic moment.

Ok, now let’s back to the topic ne, there will be Acid Black Cherry New Single 2014年10月22日 and i am so very happy  ….

But still ….

i am sure there will be a Live DVD for 「Shangri – La 」 Live and i suppose he (read : yasu) just delayed it. Or maybe …

He will put it as a bonus for the next album like how he put Acid Black Chrismast Live ~ Osaka Jo Hall on 2012 Album …?


Who knows ne, so i think i can wait and what i am gonna do and have to do is nothing but also delay my sexcitement about seeing 「Shangri – La 」 Live on DVD

And this time,

because i am still in the middle of a very happy euphoria about Acid Black Cherry New Single 2014年10月22日 and The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge all over myFacebook, twitter and Tumblr i suppose this is also a perfect time to delay my working on this  ..

Whatsoever Fangirl Homework i made for myself …. xD

so everyone, now let’s talk about this ….

~   Something i say as The Un-expected things from yasu ne …


Acid Black Cherry New SINGLE

Title                :  TBA (To Be Announced)
Release Date :  October 22nd, 2014 (Wednesday)

■【CD+DVD】〈Limited Edition〉 

Item no.   :  AVCD-32238/B 1,600 yen + tax
   2 songs
music clip、OFF SHOT ((Approximately 15 minutes )

■ 【CD ONLY】〈Regular Edition〉

Item no.  :   AVCD-32239 1,000 yen +tax
          2 songs (same with AVCD-32238)
Bonus     :   Limited mini photobook

■ Special Price (1 song)

【CD ONLY】〈Limited Edition〉
Item no   :   AVCD-32240 369 yen +tax
         1 song
Bonus    :   1 ABC trading card (from all 4 complete series)

Pre-Order Period

August, 22nd (Friday)18:00〜October 10th, 2014 (Thursday) 5:00 AM (JST)

~ Janne Da Arc Official Fanclub 「Mademoiselle na anatatachi 」 members


via here   :   http://upriseshop.jp/ (VIP Members Only)
CD+DVD Limited Edition : Calendar Postcard Type A
CD Regular Edition :  Calendar Postcard Type B

~ Janne Da Arc Official mobile site members

Official mobile site : http://jannedaarc.jp/
1 mini clear file

~ mu-mo shop

PC       : http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?artist_id=ACIDB
mobile : http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1?artist_id=ACIDB

It’s Japan Only, which mean you have to use proxy/middle man inJapan to buy for you

~ mu-mo overseas sale site (where they will lead you to use Tenso.com)

PC       : http://shop.mu-mo.net/avx/sv/list1?jsiteid=MSW&categ_id=661806
mobile : http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/avx/sv/list1?jsiteid=MSW&categ_id=661806
1 Original sticker

~    CDJapan   :   CD + DVDCD OnlySpecial Price
~    HMV          :   CD + DVDCD OnlySpecial Price
~    YesAsia     :   CD + DVDCD OnlySpecial Price

PS    :   From CDJapan, there will be a B4 size poster bonus for CD + DVDand  CD Only

so now everyone,

let the CHOOSE begin and if you can’t choose, why wouldn’t you let your self to be GREED this time ? …. xD

and talking about GREED,  ….


yasu さん、

there you are finally,  a little gift and reminder from your overseas fans for this year’s ABC 7th Anniversary … …♪♪
we do love you and still hoping that one day you will do Live outisde Japan …


PS : btw minute 00:51, that’s me yasu さん … (笑)

and next, let’s talk about …

~  The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge …

Recently, this ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is become viral everywhere.

As you know, this is a challenge to raise an awareness to ALS ( Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) which is also known as Motor Neuron Disease.

It is a fatal disease and until now, there is no cure for it .

Patients will eventually die because they can’t control their muscles. So it doesn’t mean that they are only being paralyzed. They will lose an ability to speak, eat, and breath.

And ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is …

when somebody challenged somebody else, maybe his friend to do this callenge in 24 hours.

If the next person who got nominated manage to do it within 24 hoursthey donate 10 dollars and if not or they did it over than 24 hours then they have to donate 100 dollars.

The challenge it self buy put an ice and water on a bucket and flush it on your head  is to demonstrate how the ALS patients suffer from it.

But as always, there’s also many different reaction about this  ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

some people think it’s useless and too mainstream, some of them doing and watching it for fun as an euphoria while waiting and hoping when will somebody nominated their idol to do this challenge.

But no matter how different reaction and people think about this,  I my self enjoy and love how it worked like that, like a Ghost to Ghost connection or a spider web it’s everywhere now.

Hopefully by making this viral, the challenge will continue from one to other as well as the donation because it really help.

i can’t remember all the chains, because i only remember how …

~   Adam Lavine ( Maroon 5) nominated The IRON MAN himself, Robert Downey Jr , and then
~   RDJ nominated his Avenger‘s mate from Asgard , Chris Hemsworth(THOR) and
~   THOR nominated his other Avenger‘s mate Mark Ruffalo (HULK) andChris Evans (Capt. Rogers) …

while on the other side, outside the Avenger‘s pals …


Nathan Fillion (Castle) with that sweet reason, nominated Tom Hiddleston (LOKI, The Future King Of Asgard ), and
LOKI nominated Bennedict Cumberbatch (SHERLOCK HOLMES) ….

nah this is something that everybody were waiting for, an Ice Bucket Challenge by SHERLOCK HOLMES

i’d say, that’s a very well done Ice Bucket Challenge

That’s totally fun and i am sure encourage enough as well to ask people to donate.

Ben was nominated by 3 people beside Tom Hiddleston.  Sorry i can’t remember who the other else because i only remember and watchTom‘s video.

OMG, they even chased him in the shower ….

and after shower he called Tom,

awww that’s something i call beyond sweet …!!!

this part …

it’s totally brilliant how they put the ice and water inside his helmet and this last part is the funniest …. xD

source and credit for all Gif images :    here

Poor darling Ben ….. ❤

Ben, he was doing an Ice Bucket Challenge ne, not a A Boiled Water Bucket Challenge, but look what happened to Tumblr yesterday.

That video made Tumblr ON FIRE  ….  !!!

and finally reached until Japan because i saw some boys from Jhonny also did it and yesterday this baby stroberry (read : Taka, not yasu)  did his Ice Bucket Challenge and posted the video via his Instagram

you can check the video in here

it surprised me how he didn’t nominate Takeru Sato.

Well maybe because i  read a lot about their broomance friendship between them i thought he will nominate Takeru Sato ne. But he nominated 1 person i dunno who,Hongki from FT Island and his father.

Look at how he is sayin Hongki, looks like he is sayin

you Hongki, you …. !!!!

and believe me, last night i had a terrible dream about me calling Hongki to tell him about Taka nominated him as the next person while wondering is there any person who will nominate yasu to do this …

of course me as a fangirl, blimey ….

i also waited for someone to nominate yasu to do ALS Ice Bucket Challenge with a hope he will use a white shirt when he do that …. xD

noi        :   because God Bless White T-shirt
yasu     :   go find another reason
noi        :   do i have to say it here, you know what my other reason ..
yasu     :   …..

In fact i even though about how the chain is, started from …

~   someone will nominate GACKT, and then
~   GACKT will nominate HYDE, then
~   HYDE will nominate yasu, …

etc etc …

but today it surprised me how yasu finally did this today

because there’s someone nominated him, and that person is not HYDE. I suppose there’s too much fandom things inside my brain now because it started to make me think following it like an idiot  …


awww his head must be hurt ne, because i think he put too much ice on his bucket.

But well done eh darling …. xD

So there’s someone named Shigeki Maruyama ( if i am not mistaken he is a golf player ), nominated yasu to do this.

And yasu did it today, he donated but didn’t nominate anyone to be the next person who had to do this challenge because he said he won’t forced anyone to do it.

Well, Okay …..

Since yasu didn’t nominate anybody, now i wonder who will dare to nominate HYDEto do this.

だれかな 。。。 *thinking hard*

enough about Ice Bucket Challenge , now let’s continue with this ….

~   Whatsoever things from me ….

still from 4th SEASON 「Shangri – La 」 PHOTOBOOK ,  this one is for …



aaand …

i suppose this is a good news for all of you on Acid Black Cherry fandom, because finally there’s somebody who will translate Erect PHOTOBOOK Interview.  BecauseAriyasu on Tumblr will do that via her blog :

Somewhere Over The Rainbow.    …

and here’s the translation for …

Black List Part


She did a great job,

and i am sure there will be no such things as skipped parts like what i always do because i didn’t understand that part. So all of you who is on and active on Tumblryou can start to follow her blog ….!!!

because as she said next  is for QED Live part  … (^^♪

Suddenly now  Acid Black Cherry fandom is more beautiful these days ne, and  btw …

last week that SCawaii magazine finally came together with Mighty Long Fallsingle. It surprised me because i bought that two differently but they came at the same day. I f i know they will came together like that, i’d order them as one order ne not separately like that   ….

while this one came today …

actually i just went to Post Office today to get it because i almost forgot about thatArena Live magazine and 7Pia that my proxy kindly sent me 3 copies ….xD

When i arrived at Post Office and said to one of the female officer if i want to get my package from Japan, suddenly she call his office mate in a very loud voice …

Hey, Noi Himura is here …. !!!

and then everyone else there turned their head and lookin at me like i am some weird person. Then that officer, i think he is a new one because Mr. Ardiyanto who used to deal with from overseas packages already got transfered to branch office inManado.

It took some times, because he asked too much about me …

What do i do for livin, why almost every week there’s always a package for me fromJapan, …. etc etc until where is my home. It’s weird ne, i mean he is working at Post Office and i am sure he knows my address well.

So why did he asked me again? …

yasu     :    did you …
noi        :    no, of course not … !!!
yasu     :    hey, i haven’t say anything ne
noi        :    then don’t say anything …

And then finally he gave me a pen and asked me to sign the receipt and get my package. On my way out, i fell from my bike and it was funny because not long time ago, there’s a boy who fell from his motorbike and what i did was nothing but laughed at him while sayin …

ha ha ha poor darling  …. !!!

and then God sent me an a.s.a.p punishment with somewhat reason i just fell from my bike in front of Post Office today. That was hurt ne, and i remember how the old man who helped me said :

next time, don’t say that bad things when you see someone else fall … #ewww

Eh God, that’s a very fast ne, and OK i got my lesson today .

aand there you are …

the scans


and this something that they called as

a scanlation? ….


my fave part is about his daily activities,

that even i did read about him talking about that, but how simple is his daily activities for a big star like him always amazed me. I mean stay doing that half-length bath while listening music or watching DVD.

That sounds impossible for a very busy man like him and then next  is …

yasu, do tell me ….

when man doing that half-length bath/ 半身浴 are they naked or not …..?

yasu    :     why don’t you ask him, your   …
noi       :     him, my what  …? ah ya,  but i have one problem …
yasu    :     what, what now noi_chan, did you …
noi       :     no, we’re okay now and my problem is  …

that question eh、日本語 で なん と いいます かな … (T_T)

yasu     :    what the, you don’t know  … ?


After Holiday Post Part 2 : 「Shangri-la Meeting」 ~ Kagawa … (Another me, yasu and Hana)

Part 2 is for ….


~   A long Way to Kudanshita Part 6 (Tokyo day 3)


it’s the D Day, …

The Day when i finally watched yasu’s Live on Stage for 2nd time !!!

That day, i don’t wanna do anything. I didn’t event went down for breakfast even i woke up quite early that day. All i did was nothing but stayin on my bed, eat all many kind of instant noodles i bought from 7/11 near hotel and watch telly.

For me as an instant noodles lovers,

Japan never stop amazed me with so may variety of instant noodles they have on their konbinis.  So spent my last sleepless night after a lame date on a 7/11 do nothing but choose which instant noodles i am gonna eat tonight just make me happy.

That day, i  took almost one hour in the bathroom, nothing but stayin in the bathtub enjoyed this apple smell aroma-therapy that the hotel gave me.

It turned the hot water into green, but too bad it didn’t turned my skin into green as well …. >_<

They gave that aroma-therapy free at the lobby, and a package of facial cleaning stuffs when i did my check-in. Not only that,  they also give a free coffee at the lobby start from 11:00 PM.

That hotel is quite good i say, compared to the other hotel at Shibuya where i stayed last year.

and about 15 minutes later, i am ready to go …


go where …?

I went back again to Tokyo Station to get another yen. I changed most of IDR i have and got about another 55,000 yen supposed that would be enough for my last 2 days in Japan.

I also bought Shinkansen ticket to Osaka for tomorrow morning and it was about 13,250 yen for the non-reserved ticket, who knows i might woke up late.

After that, i just stayed there next to the station gate, watching peoples and train schedule there. And suddenly my eyes caught a nice scene of a man who got a red X when he wanted to go to get his train.

I dunno what happened to me, suddenly i just laughed to him. It was so funny eh, and i had no idea if he was looked at me until i finished my LOL to him. We weren’t that far, so it’s a normal if he was aware my LOL at him.

When i saw him lookin at me,  i was like

OMG, what did i do? this is very not polite eh, so …

i said to him        :   すみません, i am sorry, really sorry …
and he replied    :    大丈夫, and you look very happy
me                      :    me  …. ?
him                     :    はい、…

then we started to talk and laughed together,

it was quite fun eh because i remember he was tryin so hard to talk to me in his English mixed with Japanese while i also tried to replied him in my Japanese mixed with English ….


yasu      :   but, who is he …?
noi         :   dunno, he is just a stranger i meet at Tokyo Station ..
yasu      :   but you said you won’t talk to stranger
noi         :   i only laughed to him ne  ..
yasu      :   then talk …

i know i should not talk to stranger like that, but he was so funny eh. I mean, if you see his Eeeh …!!! face when the bar wont open for him, it was just so hilarious in a charming way just like the person himself.

I can’t even imagine if that kind of person is exist, especially a Japanese stranger that i just meet and LOL-ed at. Instead of mad at me he talked and even got my joke and laughed 

when i asked him  :   「Platform 9¾」 どこで ?  ….
he said                  :   それは、ひみつです. i don’t tell you ..
me                         :   ah, you won’t tell …

Eh God, i love when people got/understand my movie jokes …. xD

ah ya i should ask his name ne, or at least i ask if he is on Facebook or not eh, because that’s what people ask to other new people recently.

Instead askin a phone number, the common trending question now is ..

Do you have Facebook …?
Or twitter …?
Then what is your Facebook and twitter name? …

etc etc … because now everyone are exist on their own Social Networks. No matter with what kind of purpose they have. So just like what happened with The Jane Austen Man on my 1st flight Semarang ~ Jakarta, that day i missed my chance to know that hilarious man further.

I mean, who knows if he is also on Facebook eh …

Finished with talking and LOL-ing, i went to straight to Budokan, because it was already 15:00 PM.

Arrived there, i stopped first to McD near Budokan and had some chicken burger there. Ate my burger, sit there while watching so many Acid Black Cherry fans walking around with their many Acid Black Cherry GOODS with/on them.

And i did what i always do just exactly like what i always do when i see there’s yasu‘s photo posted on someone’s blog, Facebook or Tumblr. I said to myself where’s that image originally from.

What magazine, what pamphlet, poster or even Radio’s blog.

So that day, with a chicken burger on my hand i say to my self from what Acid Black Cherry Live/event’s are thoose GOODS i’ve seen that day.

A tote bag from Re:Birth Live, a bag from 69 Live (that bag is the best, i say … xD), keychain from Halloween Party, or

this my fave 2007 Free Live white T-Shirt


well, …

i should buy another one again because that shirt is 100% perfect with a red short pants. And believe me, i have more than 6 red pants but only one that 2007 Free Live white T-Shirt.

all Acid Black Cherry fans on the road that day, what i saw most of them was wearing Acid Black Cherry hoodie ….



Finished my late lunch i went to buy some snacks and mineral water at the nearest 7/11 where i meet 5 fans who was cosplaying complete The Otaku/Nerd.


Arrived at Budokan, ….

there’s so many people already gathered in front of the venue gate, and just like on Acid Black Cherry‘s other Live, there was also 2 boxes in front of the venue’s door where fans can put their letter, fan-mail or present for yasu or the support members there.


I put a letter for yasu there, because somebody asked me to write her a letter for yasu.

Just like my simple Japanese understanding, i wrote a simple letter in Japanese for yasu on behalf of my friend. Not sure what i wrote was correct or yasu will manage to read my double disaster handwriting in Japanese .

Actually, even i am studying Japanese with all my heart but i never study how to write nicely.

Because look at that my disaster handwriting that nobody can’t read. so i know you all can imagine how worst is if i tried to write in Japanese letter …


That’s why instead of practice to read and write with pencil and paper like what people do,

i put that Simeji App. on my phone and use it for my Japanese writing and reading practice by re-write again some of things on FC Magazine, song’s lyrics or something like this ….


from DearLovingMasa’s twitter, that’s Dear Loving‘s 4th Album cover with yasu‘s comment on it …

「おい、ディアラヴィ! いい曲いっぱい入ってるやんけ!やるぅ ♡」 by yasu

and when i posted it on my Facebook, i made some mistake by wrote that 「入」 as 「大」/「dai」. But then Yukki, as always kindly correct me …. xD

back to Budokan, ….

When i was going to enter the venue and showed my ticket to one of the staff, one of them to make sure i understand, she repeated what she already say to me in English.

She said       :    no camera, no phone camera inside ….. !!!
I said to her  :    はい、わかりました …

i entered the venue and started to confused about finding my seat.

Dunno whether is Budokan, is so BIG or i am somebody who really easy to get lost and confused about finding place?

yasu        :      is that a question …?
noi           :      yes, but the rhetorical one ..
yasu        :      didn’t you ask somebody ..
noi           :      i did, but  dunno, ….

so i walked all around at 2nd Floor Budokan to find my seat.

I finally managed to find my seat at almost top of the 2nd Floor . It was a bit scary tho,…

and next to me is a 40 year’s old woman, a mother with her daughter that non-stop lookin at me finished all snacks that i bought less because i already ran out of snacks before the Live begin.

Then finally when everything was dark, the Live begin with  …

1. Greed Greed Greed


「Greed Greed Greed」 is the 1st single released during this 「Shangri – La 」Tour as one part of Project 「Shangri – La 」 itself beside the Live and Meeting nation-wide.

When yasu started this Project 「Shangri – La 」 , i said to myself …

if i am going to watch 「Shangri – La 」 Live, i have to watch the final/last Live so i can see all the 3 latest single Live on stage.

Even i did make plan to go to 1st SEASON Live ~ Hokkaido together with Tekki but It was cancelled because my father got sick and also Tekki keep sayin no about joining me to watch yasu.

But now i think God made different plan for me so i ended going to Japan on Encore SEASON and i managed to see all 3 latest single Live on stage.

Greed Greed Greed well, it was OK


yasu      :     only OK …
noi          :    what am i supposed to say ..
yasu      :     say something else
noi          :     what …

my seat was so far behind and i lost my glasses, so i didn’t see things clearly but i know yasu was nonstop moving there and like an Energizer Bunny. I mean, he seemed like never ran out of battery …

even i know 「Greed Greed Greed」 complete lyrics, still i didn’t even understand what the hell was yasu yasu, especially on the part with an English lyrics.


yasu ….

i’d say always amused me whenever he sing a song with English lyrics because he always make me to listen it carefully to get what he was sayin no matter i already remember all the lyrics in my head, but i always ended sayin …

oh yasu, what the …. ????

That’s why, i  am not gonna say, i want yasu to learn English more so he can make a song with a full English lyrics, because he already did with JIGSAW ~ QED version that in so many ways confused me and also…

i agree with my sweet baby stroberry Taka when he said on some interview …

FM 802

Writing a song with full English lyrics doesn’t make the album/single SOLD OUT, and after all i am still a Japanese, so there’s something that i still prefer to say/write in Japanese.

so if i say yasu need to improve his English, it’s because i want him to have a better and less confusing pronunciation on some English lyrics on his songs

2. Murder License
3. Rakuen
4. Chou

this is funny eh, …..


dunno what happened, maybe he was too sexcited or nervous but he started this song earlier. Even Hiro had not finished his guitar but yasu already started sayin


and i was like

えええ〜〜〜 、yasu …???

but then as fast as how i finished sayin that えええ〜〜〜 、yasu ….??? , he (read : yasu, not taka) fixed it and everything is perfect. I even say this Chou – Live version is perfect even with a bonus of that an earlier めを ….xD

on the 1st MC, …

yasu said how grateful he is to see everyone came to his Live at Budokan that night, because that day ….

May 29th 2014 in Tokyo beside Acid Black Cherry Live at Budokan, there was also LUNA SEA Live at Yoyogi and L’arc~en~Ciel at Kokuritsu ….

but as you all know,  some of his close friends like his BBF DAIGO, Akihide, Shinpei and even ka-yu was there too

5. 1954 LOVE/HATE
6. Kuroneko~Adult Black Cat~


This one,  Kuroneko~Adult Black Cat~  is nothing but AWESOME

I say everyone,  that was totally AWESOME and i am sure to you all Acid Black Cherry fans who ever seen this song Live on Stage agree with me. And to you all who are start to make a plan to go to Japan and see Acid Black Cherry Live,

hope you’ll be able to see this, because Kuroneko~Adult Black Cat~  live version is …


a perfect package of a sexy man, complete with a sexy song and voice     …

7. Kimi ga Inai, Ano hi Kara…


Live version complete with all those lightening and special effect make this song more heavenly and longing and less simple. Because this song is a simple and longing song eh, about somebody who realized now he/she isn’t here anymore …

8. Maria
9. so…Good night.


awww, ….

i really love this man and i suppose this Acid Black Cherry fever on me is  ….

いつも おわらない、よ 。。。!!!!

10. Pistol
11. Tsumi to Batsu ~Kami-sama no Alibi~


i am so glad finally i get a chance to see this song Live because i like this song, i mean i always adore how yasu put the idea about

~Kami-sama no Alibi~  / God’s Alibi —> an Alibi for God …

even when i listen to that song for the first time, it kinda felt weird for myself. In my whole life, until now i am somebody who never think if there’s an Alibi for God. Everyone needs an alibi, but not God

Because God is God,

the Greatest that never ever need an alibi because God never do wrong no matter how i love to blame God for whatever bad things on my life because i believe God has it own reason, that we have to figured out what is God reason for let this or that things happened to us.

So why would God need an alibi for?

that’s why  that ~Kami-sama no Alibi~ terms from yasu was a bit surprised for me.

12. Black Cherry
13. Shangri-la


14. doomsday clock (request)


that song was requested by a girl on 2nd Floor that seems like not into Acid Black Cherry that much. It was so obvious ne, because she asked Kuroneko~Adult Black Cat~  while that song is already played before …

i am sure she didn’t even know which song is Kuroneko~Adult Black Cat~ or not
I dunno why but i think on this 「Shangri – La 」Tour there’s so many that not into Acid Black Cherry audience (read : people who went there just because asked by their friends to go along, or else …) their seat number got selected on the request song part.

How the hell, they were so lucky like that?

yasu     :     ah not again noi_chan …
noi        :     yes, again and again i am jealous, why not?
yasu     :     so if your seat got selected, what would you say to me …
noi        :     ah ya, i gotta say something …

why i never think about this ne …

all think about was how i have to say I want nemuri hime …!! to yasu if my seat number might got selected because i remember yasu also asked some questions like …

what’s your name,
where do you come from,
and with whom do you come tonight … etc etc

then what am i gonna say eh, because i am sure have a real talk with yasu must be really hard for me especially with my very very simple Japanese understanding

15. scar (request)


While that song,

scar was requested by a woman also on 2nd Floor and she was quite close to my seat.She is a mother who is really into Acid Black Cherry, because when yasu asked her what song would you like tonight  …. ?

with confidence she answered scar

see that is what i mean with a fans who is really into Acid Black Cherry, who knows what she wants didn’t have to again and said lots of あの 。。。-ing or えっと 。。。-ing ..

17. 20+∞Century Boys


They also did some change

where yasu was on drum, Hiro on vocal, but they with changing part didn’t play anything. I mean they only kinda make fun with the instruments and Hiro‘s FUBAR screamin acting as vocalist.

and else but maybe it was a joke or something because all the audience were laughing. so f that was really a joke then i didn’t get what kind of joke was that.



then like a dream, that live suddenly over


followed with yasu shoot various color balls (with his signature on it) to the audience with that BALL GUN (?) and my fave ending is how yasu always took his shirt off and throw it to the audience.


I had so much fun, and once again ….

yasu completed me as one of his fangirl.

But i believe, this complete feeling i have after able to see 「Shangri – La 」Live soon will turned into in-complete again when yasu releasing something new (single or album). Because 2 years ago, after finished Erect Live at Yoyogi i also said …

thank you yasu, you complete me … !!!

But look what happened ne,

i still go to Japan again, so i think that’s like a never ending circle on a Fangirl Life to be forever once again will try to go to Japan again to see yasu and turned the in-complete into complete again …

What a Fangirl eh …

The Live finished and i went back to my hotel because tomorrow morning i have to go to Osaka.

Can’t believe when the Live is over nothing left but so much happiness and tired. All over my legs was hurt, i walked so slow while lookin at all those VK bandmans who was waiting out of the venue to give their band’s flyers and CD demo …

got into my train, dunno why but the mixed feelings between too happy and too tired made me cry alone there until i fell asleep and

ended in Tokyo Sky Tree Station again … #JustWhatTheHueeell!!!

so that was a hell of a long night of me back again to my hotel. All i wanted was nothing but to be on my bed …

that’s all everyone, next part it will be on my next post as A Long Way Down to Kudanshita Part 7 ~  Day  4 (Tokyo ~ Osaka)

next is this …

~ Whatsoever things from me …

still from 4th SEASON 「Shangri-la」 PHOTOBOOK because i have no idea why it take me forever to finish this PHOTOBOOK, so please bear with me.

Nah this time is for …



and moving backward for yasu‘s outfit on 「Shangri-la」 Tour , that i am sure you already see it if you are team_yasu‘s group on Facebook members.

So, this time is for …


# The costume theme for 3rd SEASON is Leopard. Not only the shirt, but the tank top under it was also leopard, and …
# they (whoever they are) put a vest that actually was the same vest that HIRO was wearing during 1st SEASON Live, while
# for the accessories, sometimes they put it simple and in other day they make it less simple ..



#  theme for 2nd SEASON is zebra, a zebra pattern transparent shirt that originally made fit to yasu

and for the shirt button …

# they (whoever they are) added a mini skull as one of it. While for the pants it’s the same leather pants that yasu was wearing on the previous SEASON 1.

So i think it is quite simple but i like this 2nd SEASON‘s costume eh  ….


because that shirt is a transparent shirt, so it made the back part look more sexy,  ah, you know what i mean …. xD . And  last but not least, to close this a very2 long post,

i am gonna talk about …


yasu     :      what, another movie …..?   *going somewhere*
noi         :     no, don’t worry because my movie talk is for next post …
yasu     :      eeh …
noi        :      i am gonna talk about …

~  My Waiting for The next Recreation Album  …


ever since i read the last post on The Official Blog, i keep wondering what the hell is yasu busy with now. Maybe preparing for the upcoming a-nation Live at the end of this month or i maybe

i say maybe eh, maybe …

as what they (whoever they are, again …) sayin if he is still doing music production each day, so it’s forever OK if i guess he is preparing something new. New single or maybe a new album.

As how Acid Black Cherry‘s single and album release sequence, and just like what Yukki said to me,if it is an album then next it’s time for Recreation 4 album …

Then he must already start to choose what songs he is going to cover.

And of course it is forever OK again for me to wondering (or posted a fubar request to whoever might read read this long and boring post) if maybe he will do cover songs that i like to hear recently.
i am talking about this song …



斉藤和義 – 歌うたいのバラッド

嗚呼 唄うことは

嗚呼 目を閉じれば



嗚呼 唄うことは



ぼくらを乗せて メロディは続く…
wow wow…

雨の夜も 冬の朝もそばにいて

ハッピーエンドの ah

i really want yasu to cover that song, even i know D-Lite (BIG BANG) already do that for his 1st single in Japan and BENI did an English cover as well,

but still i wanna hear how is yasu‘s version.



At this time, i’d say D-Lite cover version is better. I mean how that he amazed me by making that song into K-Pop. I am sure yasu‘s version (if he cover this song) is gonna be good as well …

Dunno why,

these days i just wanna listen to that kinda mellow songs. Not because i ate lots of melon at night but maybe because it is approaching the end of the year, as what people say it as a longing time

then lemme say again …

愛してる …

noi       :    愛してる よ … !!!
yasu    :   how many time you’re gonna say that …?
noi       :   for you, 1,000 times over …
yasu    :   日本語で?
noi       :   あなたのため、千倍にも 。。。? (^^♪
